32. Welcome Home Wonder Duo

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It's now been two months since Izuku's regained the feeling in his legs. In that time lots has been done to help him train back to full strength to be able to once again start hero work.

It's no surprise that Katsuki has been at the center of his training, pushing past limits and surpassing expectations in every way, just as always.

That has brought the couple where they are today which is at the hero agency to reinstate Izuku back to the job he loves, hero work.

As Aizawa finishes signing the last of the paperwork he watches happy deep green eyes that continue look from the paperwork to the blonde next to him with a bright smile. He wants to smile at the action. It was close to a year ago that Izuku was a broken hero who he wasn't sure would ever make it back to even close to who he was. But after the roll of the dice and a chance he had always been right about what he had seen all those years, he placed a call to the only one he knew could push, pull, or drag the greenett back from the depths of hell and work him right back into fighting condition.

There's a smile in dark raven-colored eyes if you look close enough because Izuku isn't just back to his old self, he's better than before. Stronger, braver, happier and what's more than all of that is he's found love that was always there but now he knows it's reciprocated. With Katsuki by his side, he's unstoppable.

" Alright, that's the last of it Midoriya, just sign the bottom and you will be reinstated to active starting tomorrow."

Izuku lights up with a smile so bright it almost illuminates the room.

" Thank you Sir! I won't let you down! I'm happy to be back to active again!",the greenett grins with excitement.

Aizawa nods then shifts his gaze to the blonde hero smirking with pride beside him.

" Bakugo, your paperwork is also completed for your transfer back here to this agency. You also are cleared to start work with Midoriya tomorrow as a Duo team. You will maintain your number-one hero status as of right now."

The blonde smirks as he looks over at his boyfriend who grins back at him.

" Yeah well, I don't plan on keeping that number one slot long now that I whipped the nerd back into shape."

Izuku laughs softly as he nudges his boyfriend on the shoulder.

" I don't mind you hanging on to it Kacchan."

" Nope, gonna be all over everything you do out there until you take your place on that throne again nerd, so if you thought me being hard on you was gonna stop, man you got the wrong idea."

The greenett breaks into a louder laugh as the two of them stand up to leave.

" I wouldn't expect anything less Kacchan, thank you."

Aizawa watches with a smile he doesn't hide and a head shake of amazing as he stands up.

" Get some rest, I look forward to seeing the two of you out there tomorrow."

As Katsuki's takes Izuku by the hand the two nod with smiles before they head out.

Izuku is busy chatting away happily with his hand locked in the blonde's as they walk.

" This is amazing right Kacchan?! I can walk, I have you, I'm going back to hero work and we'll be working together as a duo! Things are going great right?!"

When the blonde next to him doesn't respond green eyes shift in that direction seeing Katsuki with a far-off gaze, blonde brow furrowed with his free hand tucked in his pocket.

Izuku scrunches his face in wonder.

" Kacchan? You ok?"

Katsuki looks down at questions eyes.

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