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I walk out of the gym and look behind me. I see that friend of Martin sporting and Martin walks towards him. Martin looks up and spots me. He winks at me and I turn around very quickly. I walk as quick as I can away. He winked at me? I smile softly and bite on my lip. What is going on with me? I only have seen this guy in a plane and for five minutes at the gym. Nothing more. I shouldn't be so dramatic.

I come back at my house, my apartment I hire for a year. Not everything has been packed out of boxes yet, because honestly I don't feel like it. I really gotta start one time. I run the stairs and open my door. It's a beautiful home I live in. I'm not kidding. It's big enough for myself and if you look on how students in the Netherlands live, I have a better home place than students here have. It has a unique roof with old mediaeval roof. I mean the Amsterdam building are all build somewhere in the 1700 or so. History wasn't my best subject on high school, so don't ask me.

I get a quick shower to get rid of all the sweat. Wash my hair, my body and also do a body scrub, so my body feels so soft and nice. With a smile I came out of the shower and make lunch for myself. I put on some music on and dance along. Taylor swift has my heart at all times. Literally. I mean she's so talented and her voice is just so crazy.

I call with my mother after lunch. "How you're doing darling?" She asks me curious. It's been quite hard for them, they're so used to have me around them and suddenly she decides to move away to the other side of the world. "I'm good, the apartment is actually very pretty and cute," I tell her and show her the roof for example. "Beautiful," she whispers and I nod, "I'll give you an tour," I suggest and I start immediately my tour. "It looks indeed very beautiful," she smiles. "Plenty enough space for you guys to stay over," I tell her and she chuckles. I have two bed rooms at my house, one of them is mine, obviously the biggest and the other one is for loges. "I'm going to plan a stay over anytime soon. If dad can have some time off," mom says and I smile. "I would love too. I miss you guys," I say and feel myself tearing up a bit. "Don't worry darling. It's gonna be fine. You're gonna make some great friends," she says and gives me a kiss through the screen. "I love you mom," I say and kiss her back. I wish I could hug her once more time. Soon, soon Noella. You just gotta wait a little longer and than you can hug mom.
We say goodbye and hang up. She had to continue with her work, it was just morning over there and here it's 3 in the afternoon. I need to go to supermarket. I barely have any food in my fridge left. Yesterday night I ordered something, but I can't keep doing that for a year long.

On the side of making friends, it's going quite poorly. Dutch people are difficult becoming friends with them. Somehow they blame you you can't speak Dutch but they also don't help you learn the language. So I guess, it's gonna take a while before I even have one friend here. Every Dutch person I encountered was rude expect that Martin dude. He's the only one who was actually nice to me. Well I won't see him again. It's just a pure coincidence to meet him at the gym this morning but that's all.

I put on my trendy coat and get downstairs. I spot so many people around me, people walking hand in hand with each other and a couple on a bridge. It looks like they9re fighting. What is it about? I love gossips and drama. Kind of bad isn't?

"Mike, I'm pregnant," the woman tells him.

"Noway, it must be from Martijn right?" He asks.

"No it's yours, I tried very hard okay, believe me," she says and press a kiss on his cheek.

What the hell is going on there?

"Kiki, just tell him instead," he says and the woman called Kiki apparently sighs.

"He isn't the dad," she says.

The guy named mike is whispering something and than suddenly that Kiki girl hugs her boyfriend. "Okay okay," she smiles and kisses him so passionate. They really need a room. Don't do that shit on street. Everyone could look at you, I could never. They both walk away hand in hand and I walk into the AH to get my groceries.

I walk to the greens and I spot someone I recognize. I tick him on the shoulder. The guy turns around and looks so confused. "Hello?" He asks confused. "Hai, I'm Noella. I know this sounds stupid but I-"I have a girlfriend," he interrupts me. "No no, not like that. You're Martin friend right, I guess he called you Menno," I say and his gaze softens. "Yeah, I'm Menno," he introduces himself to me. "Well," he says and I becomes really akward. What was actually my plan? "I was wondering maybe I could work out with you and Martin together. Like friends," I suggest snd he swallows. "Uhm, I don't know, you should really ask him," he says. "That's gonna be hard, I have no contact with him," I say and Menno wraps his arms around each other. "Uhm, you need a number?" He asks and I nod, "if that's possible," I say and he grabs his phone.

"Just take this one over," he says and I see a number, I take it over and put his name above it. "Well, I guess see you," he says and I nod. I smile softly at the number, my very first friend here. I leave the supermarket and make my way to my apartment.

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