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I hug her, my arms around her and she cries. She hardly tried not to cry earlier, like two weeks ago, but here we are, she cries so hard in my arms. I wanted to tell her that I made a step towards becoming free of Kiki, we are in a break. I'm actually quite proud of myself that I had the guts to do this. All because of Noella's words. So I really wanted to thank her.

"Come here," I say and we move to couch. I make my way to sit down, I push away some empty soda drinks and chips. This place looks nothing like two weeks ago, it's so different. "Why do you cry?" I ask her snd wipe away some tears from her cheeks, she ignores my question, I realize I have to take things very slow with her on some points.

She let's go of me and her hands come down on my lap. She sits next to me and she wipes her tears away. "You can tell me. Just like I told about my struggles to you. You can do too and I'll be there for you," I say and she looks at me with the most emotionless smile ever. She shakes her head and hides her head between her knees and arms.

It's silent between us, you only hear her sobbing quietly. I try my best to let her feel comfortable. "You know you really helped me. Because I visit you unannounced to thank you for your advice and words. I'm in a break with Kiki," I tell her. "Kiki?" She asks me. "Yeah ,that is my girlfriend or was, I don't know we're in break anyway," I tell her relieved. "Kiki is your girlfriend, blond hair, skinny posture and elegant clothes?" She asks. She directly describes my girlfriend. Why?

"Yeah, why?" I ask her. She shakes her head and looks away from me. "Is there something I should know?" I ask her and she shrugs her shoulders. "Is she still pregnant now your baby?" She asks. "Yes Noella. What the hell are you trynna say?" I ask her confused. I just want to know where she is on? "It's not yours," she says and I chuckle. "Even though I didn't believe her first, she explained things and it seems really like I'm the dad.

"You're not. A guy named Mike is the dad. I saw them once on a beige when I was going to AH and they talked about it and that dude was the dad, she told him that and he mentioned your name but she had a plan for it," she tells me. "So she wanted to get me involved in child's life while knowing it's not mine," I summarize her story. Noella nods and I feel so betrayed and angry on her.

"How long do you know this?" I ask Noella. "For like two half weeks or so," she says and shake my head. "Acutely three weeks," she whispers. "You didn't think it would be important to tell me?" I ask her. It's my life, I could possibly be a dad to a child who is it biologically mine. "I'm sorry," she apologizes. "I have nothing on sorry. You kept this away from me," I say and I get up, I wanted to thank her but instead she knew all along. "I didn't know your girlfriend was called KiK. How was I supposed to know?" She asks me and gets up from the couch as well.

"I don't know ask me!" I start to yell. I'm frustrated. To say the least but also disappointed because I thought I found a honest friend or maybe more.

Because you know what, even though it"s been just three weeks, Noella kept a place in my mind, I constantly continually thought about her.

"Why should I ask about your stupid sad toxic love lie," she yells now too. "If your love life is the best, you probably have non," I say and she rolls with her eyes. "Fuck you," she says and falls down on her couch.

"You're so pathetic and dramatic, really. This is stupid," I say and grab my jacket. "You're stupid, Martin. Because every thing fails in your life. Your tragic stupid fcking shitty love life with a toxic plastic pop," she yells at me. "You know fuck you noella, fuck you," I say and she nods.

I put on my jacket and walk out of her door. I close the door behind me and I hear her crying. I walk downstairs and I hear a loud scream like no fuck fuck fuck. A part of me wants to fight back and walk away and another part of me wants to walk back and hug her. Tell that I'm sorry and feel those things. Feel those unknown feelings I can't explain, something I haven't felt in a long time.

I close the door behind me and I'm standing on the street. Seeing people around me and I feel a tear rolling down my cheek. I wipe it away and for a brief moment I think about going back but I should let her.

I slowly walk away and my mind starts overthinking so much. I immediately text Kiki, telling her I don't want to see her again, that we are over. It's ADE week, it's the most guest time for me and I had a bit of free time and I desperately wanted to thank Noella for her words. So I asked if watse could drop me off close by her but not her exact address, so he wouldn't expect anything.

You're a idiot.

You're the biggest idiot I ever met.

She felt safe with you and you destroyed that.

You destroy the heart of a girl, you start to like.

not just simple like, but a huge like.

What have I done? The question keeps on revolving in my mind.

the girl you actually started to like.

I run back, I run back as quick as I can. Guilt is all written over my face and I need to say my apologies to her.

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