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The driver says we have arrived and I loo out of the window, I only see high ass buildings, with quite luxury apartments. I look at him confused and he smiles softly. "You live here?" I ask him and he nods. We step out of the car and he takes my luggage out the car as well. "Thanks Nico," he says to the driver and he pulls away out of the drive way. I look at martin still confused, how can a light designer earn so much money to afford all of us? He takes my hand and we walk inside. A older man, I think around the age of 70 is sitting behind the dash. "Hello beautiful young lady," he smiles and get off his chair. He shakes my hand and I smile softly. "Nice to meet you, I'm called Noella," I tell him, "Phillip, I keep everything in eye here," he says, "whenever he forget or loses his keys, I'm here to help him out." I chuckle and Martin nods. "Well Phillip. We gotta go," Martin says quickly. I walk in front of Martin and leads me to the elevator.

"Martijn. Zij is echt een beeldschone vrouw. Hou haar dicht bij je jongen*," Phillip tells him, I have no idea what they say. Whatever it may be.

We walk out of the elevator and I walk into a hallway of all lights. I look at him and chuckle out of discomfort. This can't be from someone who does light design as job. It is just impossible. "Coolest hallway ever right," he mutters and I nod. He opens the front door of his apartment, the view over just the hallway is insane all by itself. Why would he lie about his career? He must be truly honest with me, so he should be a light designer. He never lied about anything else, I mean I hope so.

I see a pole table and a stairway with lights under each stair. He's rich. He's definitely very rich. "You earn this all form your job?" I ask him and he nods. He doesn't seem to lie or his face doesn't show something else to me. I must believe it than, he gets really good paychecks then to afford this. I walk further in and on the left I see the biggest kitchen I have ever seen in my life, even bigger than at my parents home, I thought that was nearly impossible. On the right I see a living room, but the hallway is longer. "Goes up to my gym, closed room and bedroom," he tells me and I nod. "Huge," I say and he chuckles. "I know, it's huge," he says and walks to his kitchen. "What do you what to drink?" He asks me. "A wine is fine," i say and I'm still looking around. I don't get it. Where is this money come from? I might switch jobs as well if these paychecks are so high.

He comes back and gives me a wine. He has one too and we relax on the couch.
"Was it nice being around your parents again?" He asks and I nod. "It was really great to see them," I smile and we drink some wine. "You dind't have lonely feelings?" He asks me and I shake my head. "Luckily not. I only missed you," I say and he grabs my hand. "I did too, very much," he smiles and kisses my hands. I blush and look at him. "I own you something," I say and he frown his eyebrows. "About my older brother?" I ask him and he immediately knows, he nods.

"Wel it all started when I was 8," I say and feel my voice already shooting. "Come here," he says and I loo kat him confused. He opens his arms for me to fall into and feel comfortable. He softly starts rubbing my back and I almost close my eyes. "Continue," he says and put some hair away. "He was sick, really heavily," I tell him. "What was it?" He asks me and presses little kisses on my forehead. "Cancer, leukemia to be exact. It totally crushed him, it stared when he was just 6 years old. He past away when I was 8. Martin,, my parents cried so much, my mom never really moved on and my dad became even more bitter after his death. It came to a point where we estranged ourselves from my mom parents. I haven't spoken to them in over 15 years.. since then it's been the three of us," I tell him a short version of the story.

"Jeez, Noella, that must be terrible and really hard to go through. I couldn't imagine what it would be like," he says and I shrug my shouldered. "I didn't know what happened, I dind't understand and I kept being the happy girl I kept putting a smile so my parents didn't have to worry about me, cause they had already enough on their plate. So I also didn't show tears anymore," I tell him and he pulls me closer to him. "You can show them when you're with me. Because you know what Noella, my heart is full, full of you, I barely can call it my own anymore. I don't mind listen to your stories even it's the same for a week, I don't mind you wiping your tears away when you're falling into tears. I don't mind adore your beauty and your personalities. It all is so important to me. You have no idea what you're doing to me lately. You collect memories with me in my mind I could never change or erase. You painted my whole heart in a beautiful shade color which never could be replaced," he tells me and I feel tears rolling down my cheeks. No one ever said something so sweet to me ever, how can he come up with words like these? I kiss his lips as a thank you and he joins too. His hands are on my hips, my hands are on his cheeks and I softly rub them. We continue to kiss. He pulls over his shirt and I smile softly. They way his torso looks like is so sexy. He hands has moved to my blouse I'm wearing. "Your shirt too," he whispers and I chuckles softly. "Go on," I whisper and kiss him with so much exciting. He opens up every button and I see a little grin on his face. I do wear bit of more sexy lingerie. "Oh my god, you look so prefect," he smiles and I feel kisses everywhere, on my neck, on my shoulders and now on my boobs too. He's so good in it, he makes me feel good.

*Martijn, she's really beautiful woman. Keep her close to you lad"

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