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We decide with the whole team to eat at this place. It feels weird being out in public and having a girlfriend, I'm someone who likes to keep it private, it's not they my fans can't know about it, eventually they will know but keep it as long as I can for myself, we have found a way to hold hands but it's not visual able for others. Holding hands in pockets. It's literally the best thing ever, she saw it on TikTok and wanted to try it out,

I sit down and scroll through my phone, the girls went to the bathroom. Just scroll through Instagram, liking others post and chat with fans. I receive a message and I click on it. It's a unknown number and I read the text. Wait what? I read it again and scratch my jawline. This is a joke. Seriously, this is a joke. Why would someone do this to ruin my relationship basically. I ignore the message and put my phone away, Laura and Noella both comes back and Noella sits down next to me, she's still so pretty.

She keeps on talking with the team and I think it's so amazing she can connect with the people around me. I'm so happy I've told her every truth about me. She looks at me and smiles softly. "You're so quiet," she notices, "I'm good," I tell her and she frowns her eyebrows for a second. She lets it go and starts engaging in the conversation again. A server walks to our table and takes on our drinks. "Sorry, it's a lot to write down," someone apologizes. "Don't worry," the server laughs.

I feel my phone vibrating again and i quietly look what it is. Again this unknown number, I'm gonna block it. It's just bullshit what she's saying. I put it away and try to remember the moment, I mean yeah, I've seen her but it was in the time I just have met Noella. It just can't be.

"I need to get some air," I say and get up. "Are you okay?" Noella asks worried. "Yeah, I just need some air," I tell her and give her peek on her cheek. "Really? I can come too," she suggests. "I rather be alone for a moment, okay," I say and she nods. I walk out of the restaurant and sit down on a bench. I put on a capuchin and try to catch my breathe. I just can't imagine.

I grab my phone and read them again. This just can't be true, but I can't deny it either, I mean I've shared the bed with her but long time ago. Than out of my eyesight I see Menno and Louis walking towards me. "What's going on?" He asks and sits down next to me. "How could you come here without Noella running after you?" I ask them. "We to,d them our food is up there," Louis says causally. "What the hell is going on, she notices you're behaving differently," Menno says and I sigh.

"I fucked up," I whisper and I could scream now. "What do you mean you fucked up?" Louis asks. I grab my phone and let them show the text I received. Menno and Louis reads it, "hey Martin, I know it's maybe a bit late to say this but do you remember me from ADE? We shared a night together and I have to tell you that I'm pregnant," Louis reads out loud and I grab my phone out their hands.

"Seriously?" He asks, "did you have sex with her?" "Yes, but I was not together with Noella yet. We only have kissed back then but I started to like her," I tel him. "Fuck man," Louis whispers. "Try to act normal," Menno says and I swallow. "How? How the fuck am I supposed to act normal to my girlfriend while another woman is pregnant of me, having a baby of me," I tell him. "I don't know, you created this mess," he says and I bite on my lip. "Focus on the show tonight, okay, than we do something," Louis suggest snd Menno agrees. "What the hell do you want to do? Tell Noella?" I ask them.

"I think that's the best option," Menno says softly. "Noway, no. It's not the best. We figured when I lied about my career. So she will leave me when she found out I'm becoming a dad. That I fucked another woman after the night we kissed. Than live lost her men," I say and he shrugs his shoulder. "Keep it away from her?" Louis asks. "That's even a more worse idea," Menno says. "I don't know what I will do," I say and I feel the panic reading. I need to talk to Laura and hear her opinion, she would probably slap me in the face for being so fcking dumb and stupid.

We walk into the restaurant and I get a worrying gaze from Noella. "What's wrong?" She asks me. "I'll tell you later," I say and she nods. She rubs over my back and all I feel is so much guilt. I barely can eat anything, I'm not hungry anymore, i feel sick for my action I did in October. I wasn't thinking back then. It was after the night she told me everything about her personal life and I fucked another woman. How dumb and stupid can you be. I was not sober, I was totally drunk, so I barely even have memories of it but now this woman texts me memories are starting to come back. How I met her, in the club obviously, how she flirted with me, the way I couldn't:t stand that and we quickly left the club because I was just fcking horny.

I get up and sprint down to the toilet. I puke everything out, jeez, this is killing me, "oh my god," I hear the loveliest female voice behind me. "You're becoming sick," she whispers and gets some water for me. "Here, drink," Noella forces me, I do what she says and breathe normal as I can. She feels on my head and it's quite warm indeed. "Are you able to perform tonight? You're quite warm," she says and I nod. "I'm perfectly fine," I say and she doubts it, I see it in her face. "At least rest more," she says and I nod, she pulls me into s hug and a feeling guilt is killing me from the insides.

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