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"Mom," I say and hug her. Dad smiles at me and gives me a hug too. The weekend is already over, it's has flew by. I really liked this weekend I have spend with my parents. Also my fight with Charlotte was been talked about and we both need our time to think about it. She's the only one who knows about me dating a Dutch guy. My parents haven't know this yet. But I guess soon they will know.

I check in my luggage and get through my security. It was quite quickly and buy myself a coffee. I thank the lady behind the counter and pay my coffee and sandwich. I smile brightly and sit down on a lounge era. I scroll through my phone and see pictures coming up. Of friends, of colleges, everyone,

I see a text from Martin and smile softly.

Martin text me when you you think you arrive so I'm gonna pick you up x

It's the first time he send kisses to me, I feel so honored, he wants to pick me up. How cute is he? I smile softly and I feel my feet kicking in the air. Literally, he's so cute.

I text them and smile softly. I feel so happy and loved by him. I play a little stupid game and I don't know how long this is gonna take before I can board.

Finally, after literally three hours I finally can board. I put my hair in a ponytail and I let my ticket check by the steward. "You are ready to go," he smiles, "where are you going?" "Amsterdam, I live there now," I tell him and he smiles. "Really great city," he smiles. "Indeed. Can't wait to go back," I say and have this amazing man in my head where I think about. "Enjoy," he says and I thank him very much, I walk through the gate to the plane. I meet the staff for this flight and she smiles softly at me.

I sit down and I secretly hope no one is gonna next to me. I make myself comfortable and I look up a movie I really like. I also have been shopping with mom, I bought some new lingerie, I know I mean I want to surprise my date a bit more. Well anyway, the door closes and I smile softly. No one is sitting next to me, ultimate joy. I put on the move how to lose a guy in 10 days movie, I love that one, a little bit of hard to get.

A stewardess comes by at my seat and offers me different kinds of drinks if we are in the sky. "Uhm I would like to have a coffee," I tell her and she nods. She makes a coffe and I pay it off. She walks further into the small hallway and I text Martin that I'm on my way, I'm already up in the sky and will arrive around 10 pm. He probably is busy with work to respond back. I put him away and watch my movie. It's literally the best. I love the chemistry between Kate Hudson and Matthew McConaughey. I hope I have the same chemistry with Martin.


It's one hour left or so, I watched all kinds of romcoms to get through the time. I had to go the toilet once, I hate toilets in planes, only the idea makes me terrified. The staff annoyance that we're coming closer to Amsterdam and I look back at my phone. He respond to my text and open it.

Martin alright, I will see you in the arrival hall xxx

His text make me go crazy, the way he says things, they way he types them and express them. It makes me heart flutter. I put my phone away when they ask us too, I take a deep breathe, I hate flying actually but I know I'll be fine. I have to make it through.

We finally have landed, it took quite a while and we're taxing for like another fifth teen minutes straight. But now we're at the gate and everyone is getting up, grabbing their stuff. I have to walk for 10 minutes straight to get my luggage. Can you see the excitement of my face? I thank the staff for this flight and walk towards the luggage hall.

I got my luggage and walk through the hug door, to the arrival hall. I smile softly and look around quietly. I can't seem to find Martin and my smile disappears. I really hoped he was there and I could final,g hug him after month and half of not seeing each other. I walk around with my suitcase in my hand. I suddenly feel a arm wrapped around me, I turn around and see someone holding me by the waist and he takes off his sunglasses. The recognizable eyes look deeply in mine. Those eyes i absolutely adore so much. I wrap my arms around his neck and he holds me close to him. "Martin," I whisper and I let go of my suitcase. He wraps his two arms around me and I wrap my legs around his waist. I've missed him so much.

He put me down on my feet and our eyes make such intense eye contact like always. Our eyes tell different stories and all kind of emotions. He isn't thinking about anything else and his lips touch mine. I realized I've missed these lips even more than I could imagine. We both stop the kiss and he smiles softly. "Are you coming?" He asks me. I nod and he takes my suitcase before I could even try. Hand in hand we walk off the airport and our fingers intervene together, like they're made for one another. "You don't mind staying over at mine?" He asks and I smile softly. I shake my head and he kisses my forehead. "Alright, get in lady," he chuckles softly. I'm about to see his place, where he lives, how his interior looks like, I kind of hope less messy than my place sometimes can be. In the car we hod each other's hand and Martin asks the driver if he can drop us off by his place. A light designer with a driver? Special and pretty unique.

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