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We're landing in Bangkok and I smile towards Laura. She has told that she is coming but didn't say a word about me. It's like a surprise for Martin. I honestly have no idea how he will react on this, on me standing in front of him. He's about to go on stage in like two hours, we really catches this flight very last minute. But we made it on time snd we're gonna make it in time for his show.

I think I have forgiven him,

I know it's a bit too quick maybe, but the love I feel for him is just so unconditionally. No matter what I would always choose him over anything, I would do anything to make him happy. He will do the same for me. W both will go through fire just to keep the other warm. We want everything for each other.

I was genuinely more shocked when Laura told me what he said about children's to me, of course secretly I hoped that he thought in the  same way as me about kids. He wanted me to be the mother of children's later in life. He even wants to propose to me in the most romantic way. He wants it all with me, I feel very honored and special knowing this.


We just have arrived at the location his show is. I'm quite nervous and Laura takes my hand to walk to his backstage room. On our way I see Menno and Louis. They're both surprised but smiling though. Laura knock on the door and someone says yes. She opens it and we both walk in. I see Martin sitting on the couch, his head hidden between his hands. "After this, I want to go," he mutters. He isn't happy at all.

"Martin," I say quietly.

He looks up and his whole face changes as he sees me. "Noella," he smiles softly. He walks towards me and Laura nods softly. He takes my hand and I see a broken man in front of me.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done this. I was with you and it is wrong," he says and I put my hand on his cheek. "I didn't listen to you. We weren't dating yet and I can't blame you for it. Cause technically you were single at that time and we're just talking and have kissed once. So I was just being dramatic," I tell him,

He shakes his head and I feel his two hands holding my face, like he want to kiss it. "You're not dramatic. Don't call yourself that," he says and I bite on my lip. "Ike hurt you, you cried for days since the moment I walked away," I say and our noses touch each other. "I forget all the pain you caused me. All I want is to be with you," he whispers and I start sobbing softly. "Sst, I love you Noella. I love you so much," he tells me. It is just so cute. Because his words are truth, I'm feeling like him. I hug him and his head hidden in the hug.

"Martin," i hear. We don't want to let go of each other yet.

"Martin, you really need to get on stage," his manager says and we let go.

He nods and someone gives him a microphone. "Can I kiss you?" He asks me and I smile softly, I nod a few times. He presses his lips on mine, it's quite a short kiss, but he really needs to go. "You must watch," he says and I nod. "Go on," I whisper and he gives me a quick peek on my cheek before walking away with watse and some other people from the team. Me and Laura are walking to the vip era where we will be enjoying the show till the fullest.

His intro starts, people are cheering up his name and putting up signs in the sky. He comes on stage running and says, rather screams "good evening Bali. Are we gonna have fun?" I chuckle softly and I feel a arm wrapped around me, literally I couldn't thank Laura enough. She has shown me both sides, that fact she stood behind me about the cheating scandal kinda makes me relieved, or however you wanna call it. He plays all kind of songs but also the songs he wrote about me. He makes eye contact wit(me while playing these songs and winks at me. I feel flattered and blow him a kiss.

"Okay, guys, I just want to say, thank you all for this amazing. For this amazing show. I can't thank you guys enough and appreciate you guys so much for supporting me and showing love on every single I release. I want to thank my family and friends for supporting me this year. I want to thank my amazing team for putting all of this hard work together. I want to thank someone who means a lot to me, she has my back and I got hers. She's absolutely beautiful and so kind. I'm so happy that I've found her and I'm going into the new year with her," he says and people are screaming. "Who is she?" I hear multiple times. "Now we have to count down, starting with ten," he screams. He totally ignored this question and I hug Laura, his parents as well. "Thank you all for last month for let me feel so welcome," I tell them. "You're welcome to make my son so happy," his mom smiles. Somehow his parents didn't know about our fight, they don't have to know.

"Happy new year!" Martin screams and a lot of pyro's and fireworks are going off, everyone is cheering and I'm applauding too. He's doing so great. He plays for like little 15 minutes before saying goodbye to all of the people. We already walk back backstage and we hear Martin saying goodbye.

I just stand here in his backstage room and the door opens. He hugs his family first and he smiles brighter when he sees me. He lifts me and spins me around. "Happy new year babe," he smiles and press a long kiss on my lips. "Happy new year," I whisper and don't want to let him go yet. "I love you," I whisper in his ear. "I love you too," he says and we keep on hugging and kissing.

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