Godzilla, King of The Monsters

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Scott Pilgrim, Ramona Flowers, and their eclectic group of friends, along with the notorious Evil Exes, were gathered in Scott's apartment, lounging around and watching the evening news. The atmosphere was relaxed, filled with the usual banter and laughter that accompanied their hangouts. However, the mood shifted dramatically when a breaking news segment flashed across the screen. The headline read: "Mysterious Ship Sinkings Plague the Atlantic Ocean."

Ramona: that's strange.

Ramona's twin brother, Alex Flowers, frowned as he studied the screen. He remarked, his tone tinged with concern.

Alex: very strange indeed.

The scene shifted to the calm waters of the Atlantic Ocean, where the Eiko-maru, a Japanese Freighter Ship, sailed peacefully under the moonlit sky. On deck, the crew went about their duties, some engaging in casual conversations, others reading or playing cards to pass the time. Suddenly, a brilliant blue glow illuminated the area around the ship, casting an eerie light over the ship. Murmurs of confusion rippled through the crew as they turned to gaze at the source of the unexpected phenomenon.

Crew 1: What is that?!

One of the crew members exclaimed, his voice tinged with alarm as he pointed towards the growing glow. Before anyone could offer an explanation, the intensity of the light increased rapidly, casting stark shadows across the deck. A collective gasp escaped the lips of the crew as they watched in horror as the blue glow enveloped the ship, bathing it in an otherworldly radiance.
Then, without warning, flames erupted from the heart of the glow, engulfing the Eiko-maru in a raging inferno. Panic ensued as the crew scrambled to action, shouting orders and initiating emergency protocols.

Captain Abandon ship! Abandon ship!

The captain bellowed, his voice carrying over the chaos as crew members rushed to lower lifeboats and secure safety equipment. As the crew members desperately struggled to evacuate the sinking ship, a deafening roar echoed through the night air, freezing them in their tracks.

Then a blinding blue beam shot forth from the depths of the ocean, tearing through the Eiko-maru with unstoppable force. The ship was engulfed in a cataclysmic explosion, flames licking at the sky as debris scattered in all directions. The force of the blast sent shockwaves rippling through the water, leaving no survivors in its wake. As the smoke cleared and the wreckage sank below the surface, a haunting silence descended upon the ocean.

The scene transitioned to the Second Cup, where Scott and his friends had gathered once again, seeking solace in the familiar surroundings of their favorite coffee shop. The air was thick with tension as they huddled together, their minds still reeling from the horrifying news of the ship sinking. Julie Powers, known for her sharp tongue and no-nonsense attitude, glanced up from her laptop as the news report about the Eiko-maru flashed across the screen. Her eyes narrowed in concern as she listened intently to the anchor's solemn voice recounting the tragic events at sea.

Julie: Can you believe this? Another ship gone, just like that.

Julie muttered, her voice dripping with disbelief as she gestured towards the screen.
Scott and the others exchanged worried glances, their expressions mirroring Julie's sense of unease. The gravity of the situation weighed heavily upon them as they contemplated the fate of those lost at sea.

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