I Caught a Strange Fish

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Scott Pilgrim, his friends, & the Evil Exes, were enjoying a rare moment of relaxation. They had gathered at a peaceful lake, where Keiko Katayanagi, Theo Pine, Nathan Adams, Ollie Richter, and Emily Guycott were fishing while being watched buy their siblings and their friends. The group watched as Keiko reeled in a boot, expressing her disappointment with a sigh.

Keiko: Really, a boot?

Keiko muttered, shaking her head in disbelief. Theo, being knowledgeable, chimed in.

Theo: sometimes Kim and I used crushed shellfish for bait. It seems to work better.

As they sat by the lake, Kim Pine, Envy Adams, Lynette Guycott, Roxie Richter, and the Katayanagi twins watched with amusement as their younger siblings enjoyed the simple pleasure of fishing.

Keiko: I plan to catch a big fish someday.

Keiko declared with determination.

Ollie: Fresh or saltwater?

Ollie asked, genuinely interested. Keiko shrugged, indicating that she was open to either. Their attention was then drawn to an old fish trap they spotted nearby. Curiosity piqued, they approached it and, with a bit of effort, managed to pull it out of the water. To their surprise, the trap contained a strange fish unlike anything they had ever seen before. The fish had reddish skin with spots of green scattered across its body. Its lips were a peculiar yellowish color, and its barbels and something like a lure, were a vibrant yellow with dull blackish stripes. It looked like a mix between a Stonefish, a Wels Catfish, a Frogfish, a Lophius Anglerfish, and the Gobul from the Monster Hunter series.

Theo: It's so cool

Theo remarked, his eyes wide with astonishment. Keiko and the others showed the fish to Scott and the rest of the group.

Wallace: Wow, it's one weird looking fish?

Envy: What should we do with it?

Alex: I got a idea

After a brief discussion, they decided to take it to the Chaos Theatre, where Gideon had a tank that could hold it. They believed the fish could be an invasive species and wanted to investigate it further. Excited by the discovery, the group packed up their gear and headed to the Chaos Theatre, eager to learn more about the mysterious fish they had found. The group marveled at the strange fish in the tank at the Chaos Theatre, it was like a unnatural crossbreed of many fish.

Scott: That's a weird fish.

Scott remarked, leaning in for a closer look. The fish sat at the bottom of the tank, unmoving, resembling the Lophius Anglerfish or Frogfish that Keiko had seen in documentaries.

Kim: Did it eat anything?

Kim Pine asked, her curiosity getting the best of her. Gideon, the owner of the Chaos Theatre, replied,

Gideon: Other than a large feeder goldfish I plopped in to see if it'll eat anything, no. It's been pretty still since we put it in.

Gideon chimed in as Ramona says.

Ramona: It's probably a new type of Anglerfish or something.

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