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As Scott Pilgrim and his friends, along with the Evil Exes, trekked through the dense forest outside Toronto, The group was enjoying the day when Knives Chau suddenly noticed something and darted off the path. Curious, the others followed her until she stopped, pointing excitedly at something on the ground,

Scott: What is it Knives?

Scott asked, leaning in to get a closer look. In her hands, Knives held a small, strange-looking meteorite. It was a peculiar greenish color with light blackish lines running through it like cracks.

Knives: I......don't know.

Scott, being Scott, couldn't resist poking the meteorite with a stick, causing it to emit a faint, otherworldly glow. Alex Flowers, intrigued, asked.

Alex: Does it weigh anything to you, Knives?"

Knives shook her head.

Knives: Nah, it's light.

She replied, confusing everyone. Later, at the Chaos Theatre, their secondary base, Gideon Graves examined the meteorite closely.

Gideon: It contains metal, but not ordinary iron.

He remarked, further adding to the mystery.
Scott, intrigued, lifted the meteorite.

Scott: Whoa, it really is lightweight. It's like I'm holding a few plates," he marveled.

Meanwhile, Lucas Lee watched as Knives Chau hit the meteorite with a knife. Unbeknownst to them, at the same time, shortwave communication was disrupted in many places due to the Dillinger Phenomenon. This anomaly wasn't caused by sunspot activities, leaving observatories and radio wave monitoring stations puzzled. As the group continued to examine the meteorite, Scott decided to test something. He took the meteorite to a balcony and dropped it. To their shock, the meteorite floated down like a bunch of fluffy feathers, defying the laws of gravity. The group stared in awe at the strange phenomenon, shocked, including Gideon.

Gideon: It's light... too light.

Gideon muttered, his eyes narrowing as he examined the strange rock. As the group marveled at the floating meteorite, Gideon Graves stepped forward, examining it closely.

Gideon: It seems to be made of a silicic acid aluminum with extreme heat.

He remarked, his tone thoughtful.

Scott: What?

Scott exclaimed, clearly confused by the scientific words.

Kim: Words.

Scott: Ooooooooh

Ignoring Scott's question, Gideon continued,

Gideon: A similar substance was found in a desert in Libya recently, named Tilsonite. It's a topic of discussion in the scientific community as it's probably from space, but it's an extremely excellent alloy.

Scott: You mean, it belongs to an alien or something?

Scott asked, trying to wrap his head around the implications.

Alex: It's reasonable to assume that, Scott.

Alex replied, nodding in agreement. Just then, Roxie Richter, one of the Evil Exes, stepped forward, a mischievous glint in her eye. Without warning, she drew back her foot, and punted the meteorite, however, to their surprise, the meteorite slowly floated to the ground, defying gravity once more.

Roxie: Imma punt it again.

Roxie declared, undeterred by the unusual behavior of the meteorite.

Alex: Roxie, no.

Scott Pilgrim Mega Monster Battle (Scott Pilgrim OC X Harem)Where stories live. Discover now