Battle! Monsters vs the Earth Defense Force!

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We continue to where we left off at the last chapter, where Ultraman Aegis kicked Gudon, sending him staggering back, Twin-Tail seized the opportunity and grabbed Aegis tightly. Gudon, recovering quickly, attempted to strike, but Aegis, using all his strength, managed to break free, delivering a powerful kick that sent Gudon crashing to the ground. Scott Pilgrim and his friends, along with the Evil Exes, watched in tense anticipation. Typically, by the time Aegis's Color Timer beeped, the battle would be nearing its end. However, this time was different. As Aegis tried to rise, his movements became unsteady. He staggered, falling to one knee before collapsing entirely. Gasps and murmurs spread through the onlookers. This was unprecedented. Aegis had never faltered like this before. The Color Timer on his chest began to blink rapidly, signaling imminent danger.

Scott: Is he... is he okay?

Scott asked, his voice filled with concern. Roxie Richter stepped forward, her eyes fixed on the spot where Aegis had fallen.

Roxie: This isn't good. Aegis should have won by now. Something must be wrong.

As the others watched in shock and confusion, Aegis's form began to blur, shimmering like a mirage. Then, in a flash of light, he vanished, leaving behind only a fading echo of his presence.

Ramona: He's gone?

Ramona whispered, her voice barely audible over the sound of the city around them.

Kim: What do we do now?

Kim asked, her voice tinged with fear. Scott clenched his fists, determination etched on his face.

Scott: we got to stop those two Kaiju.

With a shared glance, the group knew that their next steps were critical. The disappearance of Ultraman Aegis marked a turning point, and the true test of their courage and friendship lay ahead.

As Gudon and Twin-Tail roared, their primal instincts took over, and they began attacking each other fiercely, exchanging hits and bites in a brutal display of their natural enmity. Scott Pilgrim and the others quickly readied their Maser Pistols, aiming to intervene if necessary. Meanwhile, Knives Chau, Matthew Patel, and Young Neil had slipped away, their concern for Alex Flowers driving them to search for him. They found Alex, the twin brother of Ramona Flowers and the host of Ultraman Aegis, lying unconscious. Knives rushed to his side, shaking him gently.

Knives: Alex, wake up.

Knives pleaded, her voice trembling with fear and worry. Matthew and Young Neil looked on, shocked and concerned. As Alex began to stir, they helped him to his feet, supporting him as he struggled to regain consciousness.

Matthew: What happened?

Matthew asked, his voice filled with concern, as Alex managed to make a weak smile.

Alex: I guess this is what happens when I run out of time.

Knives wrapped her arms around Alex, tears welling up in her eyes. She was relieved to see him awake but still frightened by the events unfolding around them. Matthew and Young Neil stood by, offering their support as Alex tried to gather his strength. As the group watched Gudon and Twin-Tail continue their brutal battle, Scott Pilgrim and the others prepared to intervene. As Gudon and Twin-Tail continued their vicious clash, biting and attacking each other with relentless fury, Scott Pilgrim and the others watched in awe and horror. Amidst the chaos, they noticed Alex, supported by Matthew and Young Neil, walking towards them. Ramona rushed to her twin, her worry evident in her eyes.

Ramona: What happened?

She asked, her voice filled with concern as Alex, trying to downplay his role as Ultraman Aegis, replied.

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