Terrifying Cosmic Rays

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Theo Pine, Keiko Katayanagi, Nathan Adams, and Ollie Ritcher found themselves near a cluster of concrete pipes. Engulfed in the thrill of the moment, they decided to leave their artistic mark on the sturdy structures with their friends, The Guycott siblings & Amity Hawkes, one of Hollie Hawkes' siblings Theo sketched out dynamic scenes inspired by the superhero showdowns of Ultraman Aegis, Keiko contributed with her intricate designs, drawing inspiration from the battles they had witnessed and heard from their siblings while appreciating the whimsical creation born from their collective imagination.

Excitement bubbling among them, Keiko chimed in,

Keiko: I did a drawing of Neronga!

She proudly displayed her artistic representation of the kaiju, showcasing her unique take on the fearsome creature.

Theo joined in, his eyes gleaming with creative pride.

Theo: And I did one of Harmonigan!

He announced, unveiling his own interpretation of the Harmonica Monster. The trio reveled in the joy of sharing their artistic expressions, forging a bond strengthened by their imaginative endeavors.

Meanwhile, Ollie, the creative mind among them, envisioned a unique creation. With precise strokes, he crafted a cutesy slug-like monster that sort of resembled the Big-Eyed Grendalier fish (again, look it up, they're weird as hell.) on the cold surface of one of the concrete pipes. The creature had an endearing quality, with its white skin, small forelimbs, and a long tail with what appeared to be a barb on its tail, like a Scorpion or Stingray. Ollie, beaming with pride, named it Gavadon. The trio admired their collaborative masterpiece, a fusion of their individual imaginations coming to life on the concrete canvas.  Oliver, with a mischievous grin, proudly declared,

As the group admired Ollie's drawing of the mysterious monster, he proudly declared, "Its name is Gavadon."

Ollie: Meet my newest creation – Gavadon!

His eyes sparkled with excitement as he gestured towards the cutesy slug-like monster on the concrete pipe. Inquisitive, Keiko questioned,

Keiko: Why's it so small, though?

Her curiosity evident as she examined the creature's diminutive size.

Oliver chuckled,

Oliver: I think it'd look cute.

Keiko: I like it.

Keiko remarked, smiling at Gavadon's adorable design, while Theo, captivated by the creature's charm, exclaimed,

Theo: I want a plush of it!

The kids shared a moment of enthusiasm,

Before anyone could comment, a mocking voice pierced the air.

Travis: Ha! What kind of lame monster is that? Looks like a blob with no eyes!

The group turned to see Travis, the infamous preteen douche, laughing at their art. Their faces hardened into glares, but Travis seemed unfazed. Emily, sensing the tension, discreetly held up the Wishing Stone, while Ollie clutched the Green Crystal. Travis, catching sight of Emily holding the stone, suddenly remembered his encounter with Gango and, with a yelp, turned and ran away.

Theo: He's a douche.

Theo muttered, shaking his head. With Travis gone, the group returned to their drawings, finishing up the details on Gavadon. Satisfied with their creations, they packed up and left the playground.

After they walked away, the sun sets as it cuts to night, a brief blue flash illuminated Gavadon's drawing, the scene suddenly shifted to the Chaos Theatre, where Gideon's phone rang, and he picked it up with a casual.

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