Lighting Operation

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As the wind howled outside the Chaos Theatre, Scott Pilgrim and his friends, along with the Evil Exes and Alex Flowers, huddled together inside for a sleepover. They had gathered to watch movies and hang out, but their plans were interrupted by the news of a hurricane passing by Toronto. The TV blared the latest updates on the storm. The news anchor reported.

News Anchor: The hurricane continues its path past Toronto, with a central pressure near its eye measuring 913 millibars. Maximum sustained winds are currently at 45 miles per hour, and the storm zone extends 50 kilometers in radius."

Ollie Richter, Roxie's younger brother, hugged her tightly, his eyes wide with fear.

Ollie: When will the storm end?

He whispered, looking up at Roxie. Roxie wrapped her arms around Ollie, trying to reassure him.

Roxie: It'll pass soon, Ollie. We just need to stay calm and wait it out.

She said, her voice steady despite the worry in her eyes.

Scott glanced around at his friends and the Evil Exes, seeing the mix of concern and curiosity on their faces.

Scott: Well, since we're stuck here, why don't we make the best of it?

He suggested, trying to lighten the mood.
Ramona nodded, a small smile playing on her lips.

Ramona: He's right. We've got plenty of snacks and movies. Let's just enjoy the time together

She said, glancing at everyone. Knives perked up at the mention of movies.

Knives: Ooh, can we watch a horror movie? It'll be perfect for the atmosphere.

She exclaimed, excitement replacing her earlier fear. Kim rolled her eyes but smirked.

Kim: Sure, why not? Let's see if this storm can compete with the scares on screen.

She said, grabbing a handful of popcorn.
As they settled in to watch the movie, the wind continued to howl outside, but inside the Chaos Theatre, surrounded by friends and foes alike, they found comfort and camaraderie in the midst of the storm.

Knives glanced at the TV screen, where images of flooding on the outskirts of Toronto flashed across the screen. She gasped, turning to the others.

Knives: Guys, look! There's flooding near Toronto.

She exclaimed, pointing at the TV. Envy Adams, holding her little brother Nathan Adams, frowned, concern evident in her eyes.

Envy: I hope everyone is safe

She murmured, holding Nathan closer. Scott looked around, noticing Todd Ingram's absence.

Scott: Hey, where's Todd?

He asked, puzzled. Lynette Guycott chuckled.

Lynette: Knowing Todd, he's probably so scared, he holed himself up in his home.

She joked, earning a few laughs from the group. Just then, Todd walked in, drenched.

Todd: Sorry I'm late, guys. I went to Flood Prevention to get information on the hurricane.

He explained, shaking off some water.
Scott grinned.

Scott: Todd beat us to it.

He remarked, impressed.

Todd nodded.

Todd: Yeah, a nearby small town was hit bad and flooded.

He said, taking a seat. Kim raised an eyebrow.

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