The Vanishing City

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As the moon cast its soft glow over the city of Toronto, Scott Pilgrim and his group of friends, along with the reformed Evil Exes, patrolled the streets, ever vigilant for signs of trouble. Gideon Graves was in deep conversation with Scott, discussing the ongoing threat of an alien attack.

Gideon: We don't know what plans any potential invading aliens have, they might even strike when we're off guard

Gideon remarked, Scott nodded, his eyes scanning the horizon.

Scott: But we have our own Alien, all it needs to do is blast them, and we're in the clear until the next alien or monster

he said, referring Ultraman Aegis. Just then, a message beeped on Gideon's messaging watch. Roxie Richter was reporting on the status of their patrol team.

Roxie: Patrol of the York District with Kim Pine, Wallace Wells, and Knives Chau is complete, Heading to the rendezvous point.

Gideon: Understood

Gideon replied, acknowledging the message. He turned to Scott, a determined look in his eyes.

Gideon: Let's make sure we're ready for whatever comes our way. Our city depends on it.

With a nod of agreement, Scott and Gideon continued their patrol, their minds focused on the task at hand. As the group made their way back to the rendezvous point, Gideon's words lingered in the air, a reminder of the ever-present danger they faced. As they neared the Second Cup, their designated rendezvous point, Roxie suddenly stopped, her head tilted to the side.

Roxie: You guys hear something?

Wallace shrugged.

Wallace: Probably just a cutter. They're doing construction around here.

Roxie shook her head, a furrow forming between her brows.

Roxie: That's not an ordinary cutter.

Intrigued, Roxie decided to investigate, her hand resting on the hilt of her sword. She led the group toward the source of the sound, which grew louder as they approached. They found four people dressed in construction gear, working on the road. Roxie squinted, puzzled by what she saw. There was something off about the scene—the absence of a power cord for the cutter.

Roxie: Why would a cutter be working without a power cord?

Roxie muttered, her eyes narrowing as she scanned the area for any signs of danger. As Roxie, Kim, Wallace, and Knives ignored the workers and continued their walk, they suddenly heard the sound of a van engine revving, followed by a series of loud sparks and what sounded like a gun going off. Their instincts kicked in, and they immediately started running towards the source of the noise. As they turned the corner, they saw a standard Ford Transit work van speeding away. The back of the van was open, and someone inside was firing what appeared to be red tracer bullets.

Roxie quickly contacted Gideon through her messaging watch.

Roxie: Emergency at the York District, A vehicle was fired on! We are in pursuit, vehicle appears to be a standard Ford Transit Work Van!

Gideon: Understood, continue pursuit.

Gideon's voice crackled through the watch.
The group sprinted after the van, determined to catch up and stop whoever was inside from causing any more damage. The chase was on, with the van weaving through traffic as the back continued to fire its mysterious projectiles. As the van sped ahead, Roxie shouted to Knives,

Roxie: Throw your knives at the tires!

Knives didn't hesitate, quickly hurling her knives with precision. One by one, they struck the tires, causing the van to screech to a sudden stop. But as Roxie, Kim, Wallace, and Knives approached the van, it began to shimmer with a strange blue light. Before they could react, the van vanished into thin air, leaving them standing in shock. Then, to their horror, Kim and Roxie suddenly disappeared in the same blue light. Wallace, who was standing next to Knives, vanished next, leaving her alone and terrified. Knives screamed in panic, unsure of what to do next. She knew she had to find Scott and the others, but the fear of the unknown gripped her as she turned and ran. The scene cuts to Knives, frantically running towards Scott and the others. She's out of breath, her heart pounding in her chest as she tries to explain what happened.

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