The Mysterious Case of the Missing Mass

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As the group gathered at a local cafe, Scott Pilgrim and his friends, along with the Evil Exes and Alex Flowers, noticed Todd Ingram's absence. They began to speculate about his whereabouts when suddenly, Todd's name flashed on the screen of Scott's phone.

Scott: Hey, Todd! Where are you?

Scott answered eagerly.

Todd: I'm at the hospital.

Todd's voice sounded grave.

Todd: I'm with my niece. They found a strange cyst-like mass on the side of her body, and she's going in for surgery. I wanted to be here to comfort her with the rest of the family.

Scott: Keep us posted, okay?

Scott replied, concern evident in his voice.
After ending the call, the group fell into a somber silence, each lost in their thoughts about Todd's niece and the uncertainty of her condition. Alex Flowers broke the silence,

Alex: Let's hope she'll be okay.

As they waited for updates from Todd, their conversation shifted to the recent Kaiju and Alien threats they had faced. Scott recounted their encounters with the many monsters and aliens they faced so far.

Scott: Do you think there could be more of these monsters lurking beneath our noses?

Scott pondered aloud, his eyes scanning the horizon as if expecting a Kaiju to emerge at any moment.

Ramona: It's hard to say, but with everything we've seen, I wouldn't rule anything out.

Ramona replied, her voice tinged with uncertainty. The group fell into a contemplative silence, each lost in their thoughts about the potential threats that lay hidden, waiting to emerge. At Mount Sinai Hospital, Emma was recovering from her surgery, surrounded by Todd and the rest of her family. They were all relieved that the surgery had gone well and that she was okay. Todd overheard the doctor speaking with Emma's dad, explaining that she had a Teratoma, this news surprised Todd and the family, as they had not expected such a diagnosis. The doctor assured them that they had successfully removed the Teratoma and that Emma was expected to make a full recovery and its a benign tumor. As Emma slowly regained consciousness, Todd approached her bedside, a sense of relief washing over him.

Todd: Hey, Em. How are you feeling?

He asked softly. Emma blinked, still groggy from the anesthesia.

Emma: Really tired, I feel like I got hit by a semi.

She murmured, Todd smiled gently.

Todd: That's okay. You just had surgery. But you're going to be okay. They got rid of the Teratoma.

Emma's eyes widened slightly in surprise, but she managed a weak smile.

Emma: That's good, no more hideous misshapened burden for me.

She whispered, Todd stayed by her side, offering words of comfort and support as she drifted off to sleep. He was grateful that Emma was going to be okay and vowed to be there for her every step of her recovery.
Meanwhile, in a dimly lit laboratory, an unknown doctor placed the Teratoma removed from Emma onto a tray. With meticulous care, the doctor dripped an unknown blue liquid onto the tumor and watched intently as it began to move on its own.

The Teratoma began to transform. It grew a small head, resembling that of an Abelisaur mixed with a somewhat flattened pug-like face, with sharp teeth and independently swiveling eyes. Thick, course air sprouted from its back and solidified, resembling porcupine quills, adding to its menacing appearance. A tailbone grew on the Teratoma and elongated, forming a long tail with a curved stinger-like apparatus at the tip. Its forelimbs grew larger and stronger, while its hindlimbs were currently reduced in size. As the transformation completed, the monster stood before the doctor. It was a grotesque fusion of human tissue and monstrous features, a testament to the horrors of unchecked cell growth. The doctor watched in awe and horror as the monster let out a roar, signaling its newfound existence to the world.

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