Fly to The Mountain of Evil!

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The apartment was filled with the sounds of thunder rumbling outside as Scott Pilgrim and the others settled in for a sleepover. They had decided to make the most of the stormy night, with pillows and blankets strewn across the living room floor. Scott, Alex, Wallace, Ramona, Knives, and the others had all drifted off to sleep, exhausted. The rain poured down outside, the occasional flash of lightning illuminating the room. Unbeknownst to them, high above in the tumultuous clouds, a golden serpentine shape slithered silently, its form barely visible against the dark sky.

The Space Dragon
Notes: Is sometimes called Nurse but, I chose Narse


Suddenly, with a deafening roar, the shape revealed itself to be an alien robotic dragon. Its eyes glowed with a fierce red light as it soared through the storm, seemingly riding on the lightning itself. Its metallic body shimmered in the flashes of lightning as it descended towards Earth, and becoming hidden among the mountain ranges below. As Narse landed, the ground shook with its impact, but the sleeping inhabitants of the apartment remained undisturbed. The EDF's radar remained silent, unable to detect the dragon or its pilots. Narse had arrived, a silent invader in the night, its true purpose known only to itself and its creators. The next day, Julie Powers was enjoying her day off from working at The Second Cup, hiking in the mountains with her friends. They were walking near the cave where Narse had landed the night before, the same cave that had seemingly swallowed the alien dragon whole. As they hiked, Julie's friends teased her about her relationship with Alex.

???: You and Alex are so cute together, I bet you guys will get married someday.

One of them said. Julie blushed and laughed, saying,

Julie: Can we please not start that yet? We're just taking things one step at a time.

They reached a picturesque spot next to a weird and funny looking tree, perfect for a group photo. As they posed, unbeknownst to them, an alien ray gun aimed at them from a hidden vantage point. Just as they were about to take the picture, they froze in place, surrounded by an orange and black glow. The alien, obscured by its hiding spot, held the trigger, and a then beam shot out, enveloping the group. They remained frozen for a moment before collapsing to the ground, still unconscious. The alien quickly disappeared, leaving no trace behind. Meanwhile, back in town, Alex Flowers was looking for Julie. He approached Stacey Pilgrim, her coworker, and asked.

Alex: Hey, have you seen Julie? We were supposed to go on a date today, but she's not answering my calls or texts.

Stacey frowned.

Stacey: I don't know. She hasn't been answering mine too. Maybe she went out early.

Worry creased Alex's brow.

Alex: This isn't like her. I'm going to find her.

Ramona stepped forward.

Ramona: Don't worry, Alex. We'll find her.

She reached into her Subspace Suitcase, a purse-like case she carried everywhere. From it, she pulled out a Glock, causing Alex to raise an eyebrow.

Alex: You're not shooting Julie.

He said, confused.

Ramona: Just in case, ya never know what she might be doing.

Ramona replied, slipping the gun into her bag.

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