The Rainbow's Egg!

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The road was quiet, the only sound the hum of the truck's engine as it made its way through the mountain pass. The driver, a middle-aged man named Tom, had made this trip a hundred times before. He knew the dangers of driving through these winding roads, but today, there was something different in the air, a sense of unease that he couldn't shake. As he rounded a bend, Tom noticed something up ahead, a pile of rocks blocking the road. He slowed the truck to a stop, cursing under his breath. It looked like a rockslide had occurred, blocking his path. He grabbed his flashlight and got out of the truck to inspect the damage. As he approached the rocks, he heard a strange noise, like the rumbling of thunder. He shone his flashlight around, trying to locate the source of the sound. Suddenly, the rocks began to shift and move, and Tom stumbled back in horror as a massive creature burst forth from the rubble. The creature was unlike anything Tom had ever seen. It was greyish-tan in color, with a pudgy body and two rows of brownish plates running down its back, resembling those of a prehistoric creature. Its head was elongated, almost wolf-like, with tusks pointing downward from its upper jaw. It had a small nasal horn, with a second, much smaller horn behind it, and two slightly larger brow horns above its eyes. Two backward-facing horns adorned the back of its head, giving it a fearsome appearance.

Underground Monster
Notes:  Pagos is one of the other monsters who has a similar body to Neronga, and another monster

Tom's heart raced as he realized he was face to face with a monster, Pagos, the Underground Monster. He stumbled backward, trying to get away, but Pagos was too quick. With a swift motion, Pagos grabbed the truck and retreated underground, sensing that it was carrying something valuable—uranium.

Tom watched in horror as the truck disappeared into the ground, the ground closing up behind it as if nothing had ever happened. He knew he had to warn someone, to get help, but he was frozen in fear. Pagos had disappeared as quickly as it had appeared, leaving Tom alone in the darkness of the mountain pass.

The scene cuts, Scott Pilgrim and his friends, along with the Evil Exes and Alex Flowers, Ramona's twin brother and the host for Ultraman Aegis, are gathered together, chatting and enjoying each other's company. Theo Pine, Kim Pine's eight-year-old brother, Ollie Richter, Roxie Richter's little brother who's slightly younger than Theo, Keiko Katayanagi, the younger sister of the Katayanagi twins who's a year older than Theo and Ollie, and Nathan Adams, Envy Adams' younger brother, who's five years old yet acts like he's eight, are playing nearby, their laughter and shouts filling the air.

Wallace: So, how's it going, Scott?

Asks Wallace, taking a sip of his drink.

Scott shrugs, a grin spreading across his face.

Scott: Eh, you know, same old, same old.

Ramona rolls her eyes playfully as Ollie and Theo squeal with delight as they spot a frog hopping near the edge of the clearing. They rush over and crouch down, watching in fascination as the frog hops around. Nathan and Keiko join them, poking the frog gently with sticks, their curiosity piqued.

The group continues to watch the children play, the innocence and joy of the moment a welcome respite from the challenges they face. For a brief moment, all is right in the world, and they savor the simple pleasures of friendship and companionship. Ollie sneaks up behind Gideon, the mischievous glint in his eyes goes unnoticed by the older man. With a quick, deft motion, Ollie pokes the frog softly, causing it to emit a high-pitched squeak.


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