The Rascal From Outer Space

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The group sat at their usual table at Sneaky Dee's, the atmosphere relaxed yet tinged with the adrenaline of their recent battle against the giant monsters, Gudon and Twin-Tail. Scott, Ramona, Knives, Kim, and the others were chatting animatedly, recounting the epic showdown, while Alex Flowers, the enigmatic newcomer, sat quietly, lost in his own thoughts.

Scott: So, who do you think Ultraman's host is? I mean, he's gotta be someone, right? And what's with the whole disappearing act?

Scott wondered aloud, breaking the chatter.
Alex's eyes flickered with concern as he glanced at Scott. In his mind, he thought,

Alex [mind] He might be a problem if he eventually finds out.

Before anyone could respond, a sudden bright flash outside caught their attention. Scott's eyes widened, and he exclaimed,

Scott: Meteor!

In a reflexive panic, everyone at the table immediately ducked under it, their hearts racing. People around them seemed to have noticed the flash too, as the rest of the diner descended into chaos, with patrons scrambling for cover and shouting in confusion.

After a few moments, when the initial shock subsided and no impact followed, the group cautiously peeked out from under the table, their eyes scanning the sky and the street outside.

Kim: Is it... safe to come out?

Kim asked cautiously, her voice slightly muffled by the table. Scott, feeling a mix of relief and excitement, pushed himself up, his eyes gleaming with curiosity.

Scott: I think so. Let's check it out!

They cautiously emerged from under the table and approached the window, joining the other patrons who were now gathered around, staring out at the street.

Ramona: What was that?

Ramona asked, her voice filled with a mix of awe and uncertainty.

Scott: I have no idea, but whatever it was, it a ball on size.

Scott replied, his gaze fixed on the spot where the flash had appeared.

As they watched, the street remained quiet, the only sound being the murmurs of the onlookers. The moment passed, and life at Sneaky Dee's began to return to normal, albeit with a lingering sense of unease.

Alex nodded thoughtfully.

Alex: It must have gotten smaller upon entering the atmosphere.

He speculated. Scott and the others agreed that it could be possible, considering the physics of meteors entering Earth's atmosphere. As they pondered, other patrons of Sneaky Dee's began to share their own theories about what the flash could have been.

???1: I heard it might be a fragment from one of those alien spaceships that keep showing up.

One person suggested, prompting nods of recognition from the group.

???3: Yeah, like that Alien Slug monster from Mars or that blue Disguising Kaiju.

???2: Remember Alien Banda and their robot Crazygon?

???4: And let's not forget Alien Kill and their Bioweapon Dinosaur Tank.

Another voice joined in, recalling the recent encounters with the monstrous creations of extraterrestrial invaders.

As the conversation continued, Scott and his friends couldn't help but marvel at the strange and extraordinary events that seemed to be a regular part of their lives. They knew that whatever the flash had been, it was just another chapter in their ongoing saga of bizarre adventures and epic battles against the forces of the unknown.

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