Mystery Homicide Beetle Incident

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Scott Pilgrim and the others, were on their nightly patrol in Toronto. As they strolled through the quiet streets, Kim Pine walked beside Alex Flowers, Kim glanced at Alex curiously.

Kim: So, when were you going to tell me you're Ultraman?

Kim asked casually, her tone betraying a hint of amusement. Alex froze, his grip tightening on the cup in his hand, causing it to crumple slightly.

Alex: You're not going to tell, right?

He asked, his eyes wide with surprise.

Kim: Meh, I'm not that much of a snitch, but I gotta ask, what's it like?

Kim replied with a shrug.

Alex: well, It's just you being inside the mind and body of a giant humanoid being while you beat up a monster or alien.

Alex explained, trying to downplay the surreal experience. As they chatted, Kim's sharp eyes caught sight of something falling from the sky. She nudged Alex and pointed upwards.

Kim: Hey, what's that?

Alex followed her gaze and spotted a small ball of light, about 20 centimeters or more in size, hurtling towards the ground.

Alex: Looks like a meteorite, nothing major.

He commented.

Kim: I think it landed near Lisa's house, I hope she's okay.

Kim noted, referring to Todd Ingram, the third of Ramona's exes and a member of their Earth Defense Force team. Worry creased Alex's brow as they quickened their pace towards Todd's house, ready to face whatever new challenge awaited them in the night. Three days had passed since the mysterious meteorite crashed in the park. In a quiet suburban neighborhood, a man stood in front of a bathroom mirror, shaving away his stubble. Unbeknownst to him, a tiny beetle, no larger than 20 centimeters, crawled from the crash site and made its way to his window sill. As the man focused on his reflection, the beetle unleashed its deadly power. From its "lure," a small but intensely powerful energy bolt shot forth, aimed directly at the man.


The beam was so potent that it could reduce a human to ash within moments. The man's eyes widened in terror as he saw the blinding light approaching. He screamed in agony as the energy bolt struck, and in an instant, he was vaporized, leaving nothing but a scorch mark on the windowsill. With its lethal deed done, the beetle swiftly flew away, leaving behind a scene of devastation and a chilling reminder of the unknown dangers that lurked in the shadows of the night. The phone rang loudly, piercing the quiet of the evening.

Scott: hello?

Scott picked up, expecting a casual chat or a friendly update. Instead, he was met with the sound of panic and despair. It was Lisa Miller, his friend, crying and hyperventilating on the other end.

Lisa: My cousin was murdered!

Lisa's voice trembled with shock and sorrow.

Scott's heart sank, and he quickly gathered his friends, including Alex Flowers, who grabbed his Smith & Wesson Model 629, preparing for the worst. They rushed to Lisa's apartment, finding her sitting on the floor, tears streaming down her face.

Scott: Lisa, what happened?

Scott asked, his voice tense with concern.

Lisa: I was just going to ask him about his flight and how he's doing.

Scott Pilgrim Mega Monster Battle (Scott Pilgrim OC X Harem)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora