The Harmonica Crying in The Night

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Scott Pilgrim and his friends, were walking together, chatting and enjoying the day. Suddenly, Scott paused, a nostalgic look crossing his face.

Scott: Damn, I just remembered something from my childhood.

Scott said, breaking the silence.

Kim: The day you hit your head?

Kim quipped, earning a chuckle from the group.

Scott: Haha, no.

Scott replied, shaking his head.

Scott: I had this harmonica.

The others looked at him, surprised. Alex Flowers spoke up first.

Alex: You played a harmonica, of all things?

Scott: Yeah.

Scott nodded, a fond smile playing on his lips.

Scott: It was a gift from my grandfather before he passed. I misplaced it, but I know it's somewhere in my room. I believe it's a Suzuki brand Harmonica.

The group was still shocked, imagining Scott Pilgrim, the bass-playing, video game-loving evil ex fighter, playing a harmonica. They exchanged glances, trying to picture it.

Ramona: That's pretty cool, Scott. You should try to find it. It might bring back some good memories."

Ramona said, breaking the silence. Scott nodded, the nostalgic feeling still lingering.

Scott: Yeah, I think I will. Thanks, guys.

They continued their walk, the memory of Scott's harmonica playing adding a new layer to their perception of their friend. They walked by Wattura's carcass, still being broken down and transported out of Toronto to be disposed. As Scott's friends continued their walk, the scene shifted to Stacey and Lawrence West Pilgrim talking in their home. They were in the middle of a conversation when they suddenly heard Scott scream in panic from his room. Rushing to his aid, they found Scott frantically searching through his belongings.

Scott: My harmonica is missing!

He exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine distress. Stacey and Lawrence exchanged worried glances before Stacey spoke up, trying to lighten the mood.

Stacey: You sure you didn't sit on it and now it could be in... a very uncomfortable place?

She says, earning a glare from Lawrence.

Lawrence: Stacey, shut it.

Lawrence chided her, his tone serious.

Stacey: Hey, it happens.

Stacey shrugged, unfazed by her brother's disapproval. Scott shaked his head.

Scott: Only when you're naked and not paying attention to where you sit at.

Lawrence puts a comforting hand on Scott's shoulder.

Lawrence: We'll help you look for it, Scott. It's gotta be around here somewhere.

The scene cut back to Scott telling his friends about his missing harmonica, and they all agreed to help him search for it, eager to solve the mystery of the missing instrument. The scene shifted to a girl with black hair with grey streaks walking with a boy, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Scott Pilgrim Mega Monster Battle (Scott Pilgrim OC X Harem)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat