The Mysterious Dinosaur Base

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Alien Icarus' carcass confused many onlookers flocked to the scene where the alien's carcass lay. People took photos and videos, eager to capture a piece of history. Little did they know, another chapter of history was about to unfold before their eyes.

The ground rumbled, and a deep, guttural roar echoed through the air.


Panic ensued as the crowd scattered, some screaming in fear. A massive shape emerged from the nearby river, towering over the surrounding buildings.

???: Godzilla!

Someone shouted, the name sending chills down the spines of those who remembered the destruction the monster had wrought in the past. But this Godzilla was different, both in color, and slightly in shape. As the monster approached Alien Icarus' carcass, the creature growled and, with a swift motion, tore a chunk out of Alien Icarus' body before retreating back into the depths of the river, disappearing from sight.

The next morning, in the quiet streets of Toronto, Scott Pilgrim and his friends gathered at a local café, along with the Evil Exes and Alex Flowers. The conversation drifted to the recent events, particularly Alien Icarus' defeat.

Scott: Can you believe it? First it was Kemur, then Alien Banda, Dancan, Alien Kill, now Alien Icarus. That makes five diffrent aliens we've faced now.

Scott exclaimed, sipping his coffee.

Envy: Speaking of different, did you guys see the news about another Godzilla?

Envy interjected, showing her phone to the group. The screen displayed images of the monster that resembled Godzilla the previous day, Scott and the others were shocked, both at the news and name, until Wallace squints

Wallace: Wait, that's not Godzilla?

Wallace asked, looking puzzled.

Knives: No, it's a different kaiju. But seeing it just brings back memories of the last time Godzilla attacked. We were lucky to survive that.

Knives said, her voice tinged with fear.

Alex: Yeah, and that Ultraman fought and won.

Alex says as he silently remembers being thrown around and had his shoulder dislocated during the fight against Godzilla as Ultraman Aegis. The group fell silent, the weight of the past looming over them. Later on, as the morning sun cast its warm glow over Toronto, Alex sat quietly, sipping his coffee as he scrolled through his phone, reading the news about Godzilla's supposed return. Something about the report didn't sit right with him.

Alex: It says here that the sighting took place at night.

Alex mumbled to himself, furrowing his brow.

Alex: People wouldn't have been able to see the monster clearly in the dark.

His mind drifted to Gomess, a Kaiju he had read about, currently residing on Monster Island. Gomess shared some similarities with Godzilla, particularly in the shape of its head, which, without the sparse fur, fangs, the two spikes pointing from the back of its head, and horn, bore a striking resemblance to Godzilla's own head.

Alex: [mind] This isn't Godzilla, or a member of his species, it's something else entirely.

Alex thought, his mind racing with possibilities. He looked up from his phone, his eyes meeting those of his friends.

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