Defeat Gomess!

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The Happy Avocado was bustling with activity as Scott Pilgrim and his friends, along with Ramona's twin brother Alex Flowers, gathered around a table with Gideon Graves, and the Evil Exes.

Gideon: Three, three monsters so far.

Gideon announced, his voice dripping with a intrigue.

Gideon: Two were reptiles, and a blood-drinking flower.

The group exchanged concerned glances, their conversation gravitating towards the recent surge in monster attacks.

Scott: Still, who's the Alien Humanoid, and how come he didn't show up to fight that flower?

Scott questioned, his brow furrowed with confusion. Ramona pondered for a moment before offering her theory.

Ramona: Maybe it was a test, a test to see if we can handle threats on our own when needed.

Matthew Patel and Alex Flowers exchanged friendly chatter, their connection stemming from a shared secret that the others were unaware of. Matthew had promised not to reveal Alex's identity as Ultraman to anyone, including Ramona. As the discussion continued, Matthew and Alex nodded in agreement with Ramona's theory, their expressions guarded yet determined. Dominique, the manager of The Happy Avocado, approached.

Dominique: Maybe the guy had a sick day?

Dominique suggested with a shrug. Crystal, the Blender Jockey, rolled her eyes playfully.

Crystal: Meh. I doubt it. Maybe something else came up?

The other Exes, minus Gideon and Matthew, chimed in with their own theories.

Lucas: Perhaps he's dealing with another threat we're not aware of.

Lucas suggested, his arms crossed over his chest. Roxie nodded in agreement.

Roxie: Yeah, or maybe he's just laying low for a while. Can't be easy being a superhero all the time.

Cutting away from The Happy Avocado, the scene transitions to a bustling construction site where workers are laboring tirelessly to complete an expressway project. The atmosphere is charged with urgency as deadlines loom, and the workers push themselves to finish quickly. Unbeknownst to them, their construction efforts are unknowingly awakening something ancient and sinister buried beneath the earth. Deep within the excavation site, a chamber holds the slumbering form of Gomess.

Ancient Monster
Notes: Gomess looks familiar

Gomess's head is small and square-shaped, with large nostrils and dragon-like ears. Its lower jaw is adorned with small spikes, and a semi-prominent chin adds to its intimidating appearance. Muscular in build, Gomess possesses short arms and a long tail, hinting at its formidable strength and ferocity. As the construction progresses, an excavator unwittingly digs into Gomess's chamber, causing the ancient creature to stir from its hibernation but returns to its rest. Meanwhile, a dump truck exits the cave, its tailgate carrying a mysterious egg of unknown origin. The workers, oblivious to the danger lurking beneath the ground, stop the truck and carefully unload the strange cargo, as the workers carefully handle the mysterious egg, murmurs of curiosity and speculation fill the air.

Worker 1: Hey, what do you think this thing is?

One worker asks, eyeing the egg with a mix of wonder and confusion. Another worker shrugs, wiping sweat from his brow.

Worker 2: Could be a fossil of some kind. Maybe an Egg Fossil or something.

A third worker chimes in, his tone hushed with excitement.

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