Battle the Centipede Monster!

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The evening was alive with chatter and laughter as Scott Pilgrim and his friends gathered at Scott and Wallace's apartment to celebrate Knives Chau's 23rd birthday. Balloons and streamers adorned the walls, and a large banner read "Happy Birthday Knives Chau" in bold letters with Chow crossed out as Gideon didn't know how to spell Knives' last name. As Knives beamed with joy, Scott, Ramona, Kim, and the rest of the gang mingled, catching up and sharing stories. Wallace Wells, with a mischievous grin, was busy challenging Todd Ingram to a round of Street Fighter, while Stacey Pilgrim and Julie Powers laughed at their antics. In the corner, Alex Flowers sat with a content smile, sipping his drink. He was soon joined by Kim Pine, who raised an eyebrow at the commotion behind them.

Kim: Nega Scott and Gideon being themselves again?

She asked, nodding towards the background.

Alex: Yep. They can't seem to agree on whether to get a regular cake or a cookie cake.

Alex replied, rolling his eyes. Nega Scott and Gideon Graves were engaged in a spirited debate, their voices rising as they argued their respective cases. Nega Scott insisted that a cookie cake would be more interesting and unique, while Gideon argued for the elegance and tradition of a regular cake. As the night progressed, Alex took it upon himself to bake the cake for Knives' birthday, deftly mixing ingredients and working his magic in the kitchen. Meanwhile, Gideon and Nega Scott's argument had escalated into a comedic slap fight, their hands flailing at each other with exaggerated "eeh eeh" noises, much to the amusement of the others as Kim records the fight. Roxie Richter watched the scene with a smirk before turning to Alex.

Alex: You bake?

She asked, impressed by his skills.

Alex: Yeah, Picked it up from a friend in high school, along with a bunch of other stuff.

Alex replied, flashing a grin. Knives, standing nearby, watched Alex work with awe.

Knives: It's like watching a master at work.

She remarked, earning a chuckle from the group. Meanwhile, Lucas Lee found a random laser pointer and began playing with it, much to the amusement of the Demon Hipster Chicks. They chased after the laser like playful cats, their antics confusing Matthew Patel.

Matthew: Why are you like this?

DHC 1: We can't help it, it's fun!

One of the Demon Hipster Chicks replied, continuing to chase the elusive red dot as another says.


Meanwhile, Envy Adams and her little brother Nathan were seated nearby, munching on snacks and watching the chaos unfold. Ken and Kyle Katayanagi, along with their younger sister Keiko, were engaged in a fierce Mortal Kombat battle, with Keiko skillfully eviscerating her older brothers.

Keiko: I knew watching Ollie and Theo play would benefit me.

Keiko remarked, a triumphant grin on her face. Across the room, Roxie's younger brother Ollie and Kim's younger brother Theo were deep in their own world, making paper airplanes and engaging in pretend dogfights. As the night wore on, the group continued to enjoy each other's company, the birthday celebration turning into a night filled with laughter, camaraderie, and a healthy dose of playful chaos. After the birthday party, the gang gathered at Ramona and Alex's apartment for a sleepover. Knives had passed out, and Kim remarked,

Kim: She's a heavy sleeper.

Alex: Yep

Alex agreed, looking around at the others who had fallen asleep in various spots around the apartment. Roxie Richter snored softly, mumbling about shurikens in her sleep, while Ollie Richter mumbled something about a gun that shoots chainsaws or a gun that shoots miniature guns, or a Gun-Gun. As Kim settled in to sleep, Alex eventually drifted off as well. The Katayanagi trio, Ken, Kyle, and Keiko, snored lightly, and Robot-01, the robot assistant, was hugged like a fourth member of their family.

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