Watch Out! The Lying Poison Mushroom

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As Scott Pilgrim and his friends, along with the Evil Exes and Alex Flowers, strolled through Hillcrest Park, they engaged in lively banter. Ramona and Knives were discussing the latest Kaiju sightings over near Ireland and the UK. As Scott Pilgrim and his friends, along with the Evil Exes and Alex Flowers, strolled through Hillcrest Park, the conversation flowed easily. Suddenly, the ground beneath them began to shake, causing everyone to stop in their tracks and exchanging puzzled looks.

Scott: What's happening?

Scott asked, looking around in confusion.
Before anyone could answer, a massive mushroom emerged from the ground ahead of them. It was unlike any mushroom they had ever seen, with a brownish stalk and cap covered in black spots. In the center of the cap, there was a red knob that Gideon Graves speculated might be its brain.

Gideon: That isn't a regular mushroom.

Gideon noted, his eyes wide with astonishment. As they watched, two Canadian Avro Vulcan bombers flew over the mushroom, followed by a squadron of CF-18 Hornets. The Hornets fired missiles at the mushroom, hoping to kill it with a mix of drugs and chemicals. However, instead of weakening the mushroom, it seemed to absorb the toxins, growing even larger and more powerful.

Ramona: This is insane!

Ramona exclaimed, taking a step back.

Alex: We need to do something!

Alex declared, his eyes locked on the mushroom. But before they could come up with a plan, the mushroom released its Green Venom, made by absorbing the medicine that tried to kill the mushroom, the Mushroom can spread green venom from its top. It is powerful enough to destroy buildings. The group scrambled to find cover, coughing and choking as the toxic sludge surrounded the area as Alex and Ramona hand them the gas masks they had following the Mammoth Flower incident.

As they regrouped, the mushroom continued to grow, the group ran for cover, Alex saw an opportunity. He slipped away behind a nearby dumpster, out of sight from his friends and the mushroom. With a quick motion, he transformed into Ultraman Aegis.

Ultraman Aegis:

Emerging from his hiding spot, Ultraman Aegis faced the mushroom, which now towered over the park. Scott and the others watched in awe as Wallace exclaimed.

Wallace: It's the Alien!

Referring to Ultraman Aegis. Without hesitation, Ultraman Aegis unleashed his new attack, the Aegis Fire.

Flames erupted from his palms, shooting towards the mushroom with incredible force. The fire engulfed the mushroom, burning it until there was nothing left but chunks of charred debris. Satisfied that the threat was neutralized, Ultraman Aegis flew away, leaving behind a scene of destruction. Scott, Ramona, and the others, along with the bystanders, cheered, grateful for Ultraman Aegis's intervention. However, unbeknownst to both Ultraman Aegis and the others, a small mushroom fragment had been left behind. It was unknowingly buried by a construction team, who were fixing the road nearby and were unaware of the mushroom's true nature. After Ultraman Aegis flew away, the scene cut to Scott and the others, who were discussing what had just happened while Alex is behind where he transformed at as he rejoins the group. The scene shifts to Scott and Wallace's apartment

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