Ollie Richter's Dream

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Scott Pilgrim and his friends, along with the Evil Exes and Alex Flowers, strolled down the bustling streets of Toronto, a flash of blonde hair caught their attention. Roxie Richter dashed past them, heading towards a nearby bus stop.

Ramona: I guess she's picking up Ollie.

Ramona remarked casually, nodding towards the direction Roxie had disappeared.

Scott: Roxie's little brother?

Ramona nodded as they continued walking.

Ramona: He's a cool kid, always into some kind of adventure."

Meanwhile, at a local dig site on the outskirts of Toronto, Ollie Richter and his classmates were on a school field trip. They watched with wide-eyed wonder as paleontologists carefully excavated fossils from the ground.

Ollie: Whoa, do you think those are dinosaur bones?

Ollie asked his friend, pointing at the fossilized remains.

Theo nodded enthusiastically.

Theo: Maybe it's a new species! Imagine if we discovered a whole new dinosaur!

Keiko: or a species that has never been regionally heard of in the fossil record.

The excitement among the kids was palpable as they speculated about the fossil's origins. Little did they know, their discovery would soon capture the attention of scientists and enthusiasts from around the world. Back in the city, Roxie reached the bus stop and spotted Ollie waiting patiently. She smiled and waved, relieved to see him safe and sound.

Roxie: Hey, Ollie, how was your day?

Roxie asked, joining him at the bus stop.

Ollie beamed.

Ollie: It was awesome! We saw real dinosaur bones! Do you think they'll find something new?

Roxie chuckled.

Roxie: Who knows, Ollie? Maybe you'll be the one to discover the next big thing.

As they waited for the bus, Roxie couldn't help but feel a sense of pride for her little brother. She knew he was destined for great things, whether it was unearthing ancient fossils or simply being the adventurous spirit that he was. The bus arrived, and Roxie and Ollie boarded, heading home after their respective adventures. Little did they know, their paths would cross with Scott and his friends once again, leading to a series of events that would change their lives forever.

As Ollie and Roxie settled into their seats on the bus, Ollie couldn't contain his excitement. He reached into his backpack and pulled out a small greenish crystal, its surface shimmering with a faint yellow light.

Ollie: Look what I found! Isn't it cool?

Ollie exclaimed, showing the crystal to Roxie. Roxie's eyes widened in awe as she examined the crystal.

Roxie: Wow, that's amazing, Ollie! Where did you find it?

Ollie: I found it near the dig site, It was just lying there, glimmering in the sunlight. Do you think it's valuable?

Ollie explained. Roxie smiled, ruffling his hair affectionately.

Roxie: Who knows, Ollie? It could be a rare gem or just a cool rock. Either way, it's a great find!

As the bus rumbled along, Ollie reached into his backpack again and pulled out another discovery, a fragment of a fossilized spine.

"I found this too," Ollie said, showing Roxie the fossil. "It's part of a spine, I think. Imagine if we found the rest of the dinosaur!"

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