The Pearl Defense Directive

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Scott Pilgrim and his friends, along with the Evil Exes, were strolling down the street, enjoying a rare moment of peace in their hectic lives. As they passed by a jewelry shop, they noticed Alex Flowers and Envy Adams walking by, their attention caught by the pearl jewelry on display.

Envy: Wow, so pretty.

Envy exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with admiration.

Alex, with a small smile on his face, replied,

Alex: It's like you've never had or seen pearl jewelry before.

Envy shrugged, a playful glint in her eyes.

Envy: Well, my mom never told me my birthstone, I was born in June, so I think it's my birthstone.

Intrigued, they decided to enter the shop to take a closer look. As they perused the jewelry, Alex couldn't help but find Envy's reaction to pearl jewelry adorable. For someone as popular as her and her band, The Clash at Demonhead, she should at least be familiar with it.

However, their enjoyment was short-lived as they noticed the inflation of the prices. Envy furrowed her brows, confused. "Why are the prices suddenly higher?"

A man who worked there approached them, explaining, "The reason is that this year's crop of cultured pearls is nearly wiped out."

Alex: I guess the currents must've changed

???: well no, the currents and weather have been the same as the previous years.

Envy: it's odd though

The man shrugged, looking slightly perplexed himself.

???: we haven't been able to find the specific reason why.

Envy: That's strange.

The group exchanged puzzled looks, wondering what creature could possibly be related to the scarcity of pearls. We cut to Alex and Envy walking down the street, discussing the possibility of a kaiju eating pearls. Alex shrugged,

Alex: Well, animals partake in geophagia or geophagy, the intentional practice of eating earth or soil-like substances such as clay, chalk, or termite mounds. It is a behavioral adaptation that occurs in many non-human animals and has been documented in more than 100 primate species. Pearls are made of calcium carbonate, mainly aragonite or a mixture of aragonite and calcite, so a kaiju that does geophagy doesn't sound that far off.

Envy raised an eyebrow, considering his words.

Envy: You think it's so they could drive up the price?

Alex shrugged, recalling his experiences.

Alex: Well, when me and Ramona were living in New York before moving to Toronto, we went through inflation there. Pretty sure it's still happening.

The idea of a kaiju munching on pearls to drive up prices seemed both absurd and strangely plausible in their world.

Alex suggested, "We could ask the Katayanagis to make an underwater drone to search Lake Ontario or perhaps the ocean, in case something like that exists."

As the scene shifts to a truck on the other side of Toronto, carrying pearls, the drivers discuss the unusual situation. They talk about hundreds of pearl oysters being killed and eaten, recognizing that no human could do that. They mention similar incidents happening overseas in Japan and the United States. Suddenly, the truck screeches to a halt as the drivers see a large kaiju walking towards them.

The drivers quickly abandon the truck, staring in shock at the creature approaching them. Its skin is green and yellow, covered in small bumps, and its underbelly is a beige color resembling that of a whale. It looks like a giant salamander and a whale were fused into one.

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