Toronto Ice Age

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Scott Pilgrim sat in the corner booth of the Second Cup café, absently flipping through the latest news. Across from him, Ramona Flowers sipped her iced coffee, her eyes darting over the article Scott had pointed out.

Ramona: More Peguila sightings.

She muttered, her voice a mix of curiosity and concern.

Scott: Yeah, This time its all over Greenland, Iceland, Ireland, the UK, Alaska, and Canada. It's like it's doing a tour or something.

Scott replied, scratching the back of his head. Kim Pine leaned back in her chair, arms crossed.

Kim: Peguila has more frequent flyer miles than we do.

The bell above the café door jingled, and in walked Envy Adams, followed by Scott's bandmates, Stephen Stills and Young Neil. Surprisingly, Gideon Graves and the other Evil Exes trailed behind them. It had become an odd but necessary alliance ever since the Neronga incident. Envy sauntered over to the booth, her sharp eyes narrowing as she glanced at the magazine.

Envy: What's the big deal with this bird, dragon, mammal, thing anyway?

Ramona: remember, It ran away last time, why would it come back now?

Ramona said, her mind flashing back to the chaotic battle they had witnessed in Alaska.

Gideon adjusted his glasses

Gideon: Maybe it's looking for something or someone.

Stephen: Or maybe it's scared, creatures like that don't just show up for no reason. Something's driving it.

Stephen suggested, sitting down next to Kim.

Young Neil: Like what? Another monster?

Young Neil asked, taking a seat and pulling out his phone.

Todd: Probably

Scott: Remember when Ultraman fought Peguila? It was like nothing I've ever seen. It was huge, powerful, and fled. Ultraman must have scared it off.

Scott interjected.

Envy: But why would it come back now? If it was scared, it should stay away.

Envy pressed.

Gideon: Great White Sharks immediately vacate their preferred hunting ground and will not return for up to a year, even though the orcas are only passing through. Maybe it's something similar with Ultraman.

Then, Gideon's phone buzzed with a notification. He pulled it out and glanced at the screen, his brow furrowing.

Gideon: Another Peguila sighted

He announced, halting the group in their tracks.

Gideon: This one over Michigan.

Ramona: Michigan?

Ramona echoed, surprised.

Envy: That's pretty far from the other sightings.

Gideon nodded, scrolling through the details.

Gideon: And this one's described as sort of dark brown with almost white spots.

Scott: Wait, what?

Scott said, leaning over Gideon's shoulder to see the article.

Young Neil: A different color? Could there be more than one?

Todd Ingram, who had been quietly munching on an nut bar, suddenly spoke up.

Todd: Peguila might be looking for a mate.

Scott blinked.

Scott: What?

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