Sophie Manifesting As A Guster Short Story

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(A/N: This will have a name from Stellarlune so it will technically have a few spoilers, not many though. Rember that you can always give me suggestions to do in the DMs if you want to if you aren't comfortable giving them to me through the DMs you may also use the comments and I will give you credit if I have time when I write it if I'm in a rush I might edit it later and if I forget to edit it remind me.)

The wind blew through her hair which actually felt refreshing to her surprisingly but the thing that changed was that she had some wind in her body that kept asking for food. She could never control it at all so she had Rayni reach out to Trix to teach her but she always had her friends watching her when she was taught by Trix whenever he seemed suspicious though she would inflict a lightning bolt on him. 

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