Biana's POV:Chapter 24

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Pretend that Chapter 23 was a part of 22. Ok so now I will go on with my story?

I had just come back from an Alchemy session which I aced in when I saw Sophie talking to Dex and Marella about Prattles' pins. I wanted to save her from feeling bad, "Hey, Sophie?" I asked after she, Dex and Marella were done talking. "Can I talk to you?" She spun around and froze while looking at me. "Uh, sure," She looked kind've confused. I glanced at Dex and Marella. "Can we go somewhere private?" Sophie didn't look like she wanted to come for a bit of a while, then shrugged to her friends and followed me towards a deserted corner of the atrium. "Um, what's up?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to come over after school today." I said while trying to look serious so that she doesn't suspect me. Then she asked, "Why?" I looked at my hands, twisting my fingers together. "I don't know. I thought it might be nice If we could...try to be friends." I said in a whisper. She seemed puzzled as to why I wanted to be friends then she looked at me suspiciously thinking my brother put me up to this. "No! Why would Fitz care if---" I took a deep breath. "He didn't put me up to this"

She thought that I didn't like her. "I never said that" I said

Sophie thought that it was pretty obvious I did.

"Well, I'm sorry you felt that way. I guess I'm not good at meeting new people." I said.

She looked a little confused but then she looked happy. "Really?" I said. Sophie thought that we could test it out. I stood there, not meeting her eyes. Sophie had to ask what time she could come at least she had manners. "Um, why don't you go home and change and come after that? You know how to get there, right?" I said. She sounded to snooty when she said what she said. I could feel my eyes narrow a bit but then I faked a smile. "Well, good. I guess I'll see you then." I said. I can't believe that I got her to believe me then I went to Maruca who was only my friend sometimes but not all the time. 

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