Just come kiss me and save me; wonniewon (gukkiegukkie)

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just come kiss me and save me
wonniewon (gukkiegukkie)


"Do I... Do I have to be this close to her while dancing?" Jungwon asked, timidly, his breathing out of control.

"No." Jungwon shivered at Jay's harsh tone. "Just with me. No one else."


"Because I don't like it," Jay said, low.

"Are you coming, Jungwonie?"

The mentioned stopped his movements and looked back and forth from where the rest of his teammates were to the mirror in front of him.

They had been rehearsing their new choreography all day and despite his muscles aching, he didn't want to leave their practice room.

Well, it was more a matter that he couldn't.

Their comeback was pretty soon and even after they had spent weeks learning the choreography for their latest title track, there were some moves he couldn't seem to make right.

Also, it was their first time dancing with partners. And when he said partners he didn't mean partners with other members. No. He meant female partners.

He didn't mind it. It was new and pretty exciting. It also went really well with their concept so no, it wasn't as if Jungwon or the rest of the members really minded it. And it wasn't as if he had a problem with them. The girls were lovely. He just didn't seem to ace some little things that, even if they were little, were crucial for their dance.

That was why, when Sunghoon asked him again, he shook his head, the sweat falling down his temple.

"You guys can go. I have to go over the dance a couple more times."

Sunoo, at Sunghoon's side, frowned. It was obvious he was worried about him and didn't like the idea of him staying alone until late, but Jungwoon tried to give him his most reassuring smile.

"Okay," Heesung finally conceded. "But promise to call us if you need anything. Eat something soon and don't stay until late!"

Jungwoon nodded at his hyung. He knew they were only worried about him and he was thankful for that, that's why he promised them he would.

It took them a couple more minutes and worried looks until they finally left.

Once the door closed behind Niki and Jake, he sighed, his leader façade long gone.

He knew that all of his efforts not to worry them were in vain, but he always tried to. They all had been pretty stressed about their upcoming album. He didn't want to be a burden for them too. He had to be the person they came to when they had problems. They wouldn't if they knew he himself had his worries.

"Okay!" he shouted to himself, clearing his thoughts, and focusing only on the music. "From the top, Wonnie."

It's you and me in this world...

Jungwon didn't know what time it was or how many times he had heard their song already. The only thing he knew was that he still made mistakes, which was, honestly, frustrating him more and more.

Why the hell couldn't he recall the damn choreography?

Frustrated, he threw his beanie to the floor and messed up his damp hair.

What was wrong with him?

Still muttering to himself, he kneeled on the floor, the anger clear on his face and by the way his hands were shaking. And what he hated more: the tears.

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