the night is sparkling and i'm wonderstruck; lwjsss

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the night is sparkling and i'm wonderstruck


From fourteen, Jungwon is enchanted. And he remains so painfully smitten with Jongseong, he wonders when they'll finally crack and admit it.

Based on 'Enchanted (Taylor's Version)'.

This just made me happy and giddy to write, so I hope it makes someone happy and giddy too.

Sorry, not proof-read by anyone else except myself, so please forgive any typos.
(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Work Text:
Jungwon's fourteen. He's bored, leaning in the doorway of his family's living room, wondering when the adults would go home so he could – believe it not – go to sleep. It's a school night.

Not for them. Not for the loud, drunk people parading around his home. One almost knocks over his mother's precious vase, and Jungwon is gobsmacked to see that she doesn't have a care in the world for it. She laughs, in fact, throws her head back like it's the funniest thing in the world. As if the same vase being broken by Jungwon, for instance, wouldn't bring about World War 3.

But he's still bored. His father wandered off to God knows where – maybe sneaking in a smoke outside, despite telling everyone in their family that he had quit about a month ago? It never lasts with him. He abstains for about 1 week, feels the itch, and gives into it. And the cycle continues.

Jungwon swore that he saw a couple of other teenagers his age enter through the door, but they're lost to him now. Maybe he should have taken their offer of going out to get ice-cream as a means to escape for a few hours. But he was feeling shy, had clung to his mother's arm as if it was a very cool thing to do.

Then, they left. The breeze they let in with the briefly-open door was nice and inviting, but it was too late by the time the blush burned its way off of Jungwon's cheeks. Now, he stands in regret, thinking an ice-cream would have really salvaged the night after all.

He thinks about his Playstation, in his room, sitting neglected – but it was near impossible to play anything when the vibrations and echoes of the hollering adults were permeating right through his headphones. He'd given up and come downstairs to take a peek, take a gander, and found the scene exactly what he'd expected.

Soon enough, the breeze brushes past him again. The door swings open, quiet teenagers slipping back inside, all looking sated and satisfied. Some of them glance at Jungwon as they saunter past him, some just ignore him completely. Maybe it's because he's younger than them all? He vaguely remembers his mother telling him that these kids were all the same age as his older sister and go to the school opposite theirs.

He still doesn't really know who they are, but they look pretty cool.

So, it saddens him when he misses the moment to ingratiate himself with him. He turns away from the door, not wanting to watch the last teenager ignoring him and walking right past him with a happy smile on their face. He watches the adults, instead, watches as his mother almost trips over the couch backwards into a spectacular flip.

A shoulder nudges his and his cheek bumps into the doorway. Jungwon rolls his eyes up and to the side in surprise, hand going up to rub at his face, a small frown decorating his eyebrows.

The boy in front of him chuckles softly, patting his head in an apology. Then, he lifts his other hand and gives him an ice-cream. It's chocolate, just a single chocolate ice-cream – one of those bars that you have to lick pretty quickly or else it ends up all over your hands, your clothes.

"Here you go. You look like you could use this." The boy has a little half-smirk that only takes up one side of his mouth, and Jungwon finds it so completely charming that he blushes.

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