Alex Flowers Bio

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Name: Alexander 'Alex' Flowers
Age: same as Ramona as they're twins
Occupation: former Wrestler, you'll see in later chapters where he works at next.

Status: Alive

Hair Color: Dark Brown

Ramona Flowers (Twin Sister)
Unnamed parents

The Ultra Garrison (through Aegis & Surtr
Inter Galactic Defense Force

Scott Pilgrim
Ramona Flowers (sister)
Kim Pine
Knives Chau
Stephen Stills
Wallace Wells
"Young" Neil Nordegraf
Matthew Patel
Lucas Lee
Ken and Kyle Katayanagi 
Roxanne "Roxie" Richter
Todd Ingram
Gideon Graves (after a fight against Kemur)
Lisa Miller
Hollie Hawkes
Lynette Guycott
Stacey Pilgrim
Lawrence West Pilgrim
Michael Comeau
Sandra and Monique
Other Scott
Sara, Emily, and Tracy
Winifred Hailey
Tamara Chen
Lucas "Crash" Wilson
Joel MacMillan
Trisha "Trasha" Ha
Steph Nordegraf
Godzilla II (called Godzilla for simplicity)
The Spared Kaiju
The Ultra Warriors
The Mechas (you'll see who they are)
Jumborg Ace
Jumborg 9
Iron King
Thunder Mask
Zone Fighter

You'll see as the story goes on, just know there's a lot of them, like more than you can name off the top of your head, even if your familiar with the shows that the heroes like Mirrorman or Iron King  are from, as there's several familiar opponents from the many Tokusatsu Series and new, original faces. I decided to not have the Evil Exes as enemies because, of like 236 or so Aliens and twice as much monsters with many Aliens wanting to take the Earth, plus Alex and the six exes are chill with Alex, Gideon Graves however didn't know Alex was 6'6 as he only saw Alex through Video Calls.

Can transform into Ultraman Aegis through the Aegis Brace

Alex has some control over Subspace like Ramona, though he doesn't use it much as Ramona does.

Subspace Duffle Bag
Its like Ramona's bag, Alex carries around a Duffle Bag allows him to access the subspace. It contains a pocket dimension inside which Alex uses to store items like clothes, weapons and even carry people around with it.

Superhuman abilities
Like Ramona, Alex has enhanced strength, enough punch a hole in a steel door and can
use a streetlight  as a weapon and enough strength to lift his War Hammer. He is also very agile as he can run on walls in combat against enemies like Alien Sran or a Alien Metron and is surprisingly stealthy.

War Hammer
Is one of his main weapons is a hammer similar to Ramona's, he affectionately calls his the War Hammer as it kinda reminds him of one, much to Ramona's confusion.

Alex is a humble human being who really doesn't like being recognized in public,  preferring to live his life normally and not be recognized by his former career, especially by any form of paparazzi. Alex is commonly calm and reserved in most situations but will fight when needed, and in combat, he isn't afraid to leave his opponents with broken bones.

Notes: He's taller than Ramona, reaching 6'6 in height.

Love interest(s)

You'll see.

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