The Rileys

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' A captain stands on an edge of a cliff, The lieutenant behind them.

"Capt'n. Do you even regret it?" The Lt asks.

"Everythig on that day, yes." They reply, "are you still sad?"


"Sad That I fell before you alongside with Ensign?" The captain asks.

They turn to look at their Lt. Face blank, blood staining their blond purple hair and cloths and a gun shot wound at their side of their head.

"Kriss... ?" The Lt's eyes filled with fear.

"What? Death can't lie, Johnny." the 'Captain' told him.

The sky turned black, and the cliff broke making the figure falling.

"CAPT' AIN!-" Johnny woke up.

Price runs into John's room "Soap, you okay? What's wrong?" John's current captain askes.

"... Yeah. Had Nigh'are... ," He replied, "I'll be fine."

Price still worried says: " Come I'll make you a cup."

Both Johns went to the kitchen after the soap john got a shirt on.  Soap sat down at the table while price went on and made dome hot chocolates. Price even went ahead and added some marshmallows to Soap's before giving it to him.

"Tell me. What happened in it?" Price asks, sitting down Infront of Soap.

".. Nothing much just mi ol' capt'n on our last mission together," Soap holds the drink, "they- uh. After the missio-"

Simon walks in.

"Oh. Hey Nightmare?" The now-non-masked man askes.

"Yes, there's a cup for you in the microwave," Price replied.

"Thanks" Simon went to grab the cup," about what?"

"... They died no big deal," Johnny stood up, leaving his drink, back to his quarters. 

The two of them looked at each other confused. 

"At first I thought he saw me die or something- Not the fact his old captain died," Price said, "who were they?"

"Beats me. He wont tell," Simon sat down where Soap was.

Kyle walks in, "Guys its 3 am. Why are the three of you awake?"

"Usually awake at this hour," Simon Replied.

"MacTavish had a nightmare and screamed." Money answered.

"When?" Kyle then askes.

"Geez. You a heavy sleeper aren't ya?" Simon askes, " about a few minutes ago."

Kyle then fell onto the floor now asleep.

The Ghost of Simon and Bags of money left the Gas station where he fell and left the room.

At 9 am almost an 6 hours later, their on a mission. Johnny on the rooftop with his sniper gun. Ghost and Gaz on ground Killing most of the enemy.

"Soap. Where else?" Money askes over comms.

"At yur left. 5 Klicks away.10 men." a Bar of Soap answered. He notices something. "Shit I'm found."

"Johnny. Go hide we'll handle his," Ghost said.

"Roger. Going dark."

Soap took his gun and ran towards the stairs. Men of the opposite side ran up the stairs.

"Fuck." He closed he door and blocked it with bricks he found.

He ran at the railing and jumped to the closest rooftop.

Gaz seeing it and telling both Ghost and Price.

"He can handle it himself." Ghost killed a few. 

"Hope your right , Ghost, because he's surrounded now," Gaz replied , "oh wait, your actually right."

Soap Killed a few, he fought the rest before jumping onto the next roof.

 7 men blew up afterwards.

"Fuck It then?" Price said unsure of himself.

The team faintly heard Soap say " Go Dive off a roof and hope for a better JOB!" 

"We gotta make sure he's okay" Gaz looks where Soap was seeing a man falling.

The man hit the ground. "You- Youu know- Ow- SsssssssssssOap?" Gaz nods at the soon dedman. "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Ok- OkAy B-bosS Fu-fucked up Baaaaaaaad-" And then it dies.

Now the team is wondering 'How deep was Soap in this?' Before getting a "Got a new position. Am hidden." Over comms from Soap.

"Good Boy." Ghost reloaded his gun.

"7 coming east- south from ya Ghost." Soap informed. "Entrance North East from ya capt'n. Black gates."

After dealing with them, they all meet up at the gates.

"Alright. Soap, your with me we'll take main road. Gaz, Ghost take the other one. Got it?" the captain looks at them. "Comms open."

The three of them nodded. 

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