Hanahaki (4)

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"... That's true." Ghost muttered. "Got medic on standby?" He asks the Agent.


"We do. Now open this door and let us help you." Miss Bishop tells them.

"Ghost! We can't trust them!" Gaz whispered. " They could be from them."

"Gaz. You said it yourself that Laswell need to go to the hospital." Ghost replied "we need her alive."

Roach stood up, he walks towards the door and takes stuff away from it.

"B-bisho- Bishop?" Kate tries to speak. "Sh-she'-s w-with u-us."Gaz lifts Kate's head.

"No. No don't speak take it easy." Gaz tells her, " the medics here soon." Ghost left to help Roach.

Bishop got in with the medics who rushed to Laswell and help her onto the gurney.

"Half of the base is damaged and some of them are still here." Bishop informs them. "One of you can go with Kate."

"I'll stay." Roach tells them. "I haven't been on a mission for a while."

"Guess I'll go with laws." Gaz walked away with Kate to the transport to the hospital.

Ghost took Roach to the helipad leaving the taking over the base back to Agent Bishop.

The helicopter arrived and they got on. Killing the pilot and co-pilot as they were wearing the wrong uniform and took their seats and flew to where Soap and Price were.


Soap knew the place well and struggled to carry the bleeding, passed out captain on his back. He made a stop at a coffee shop, placed the captain on a somewhat untouched sofa and searched for supplies. He searched the kitchen when he heard Price speak again. He ran back to him.

"Cap! Hang on." Soap helped the captain to sit up.

"Wh-what'-ss happening?" He tried to ask Soap.

"Makarov shot you and my comms are somewhat down and yours is broken. I carried you here." Soap replied. "Come on. Turn I gotta desinfekt it." Soap didn't care that his accent is coming back.

Price tried to take off his vest and then turn, so Soap helped him out. Soap got tot the wound and cleaned it and put bandages on him.

"Bullet is still in there. Once we get back you need surgery. " He stood up to throw away the bloodied cottons and fabric. " Here. Put it on." He hands price a clean shirt he found.

Price took it. " I got a question for you." Soap hums a reply. "What's your real name?" Soap stopped and looks at Price.

"Why do you ask?" And came closer with bottles of water.

"Makarov called you Ivanka and I want to know why." Price took a bottle. "Before the others are going to question you."

Soap stayed silent for a bit. "Ivanka MacTavish." He replied to him. "Real's name Ivanka Machavish." (Accent! Btw)

Price looks a t him, eyes soft like a father's. Johnny looks away. Price then starts to feel like he's about to pass out again. Johnny took notice.

He helped Price to lay down. "Get some sleep. I'll wake you when we're leaving." He told him before John passed out for the second time that day.

Night fell and Soap woke up the captain for as they both got back onto the road to avoiding the enemy.

They got only a third of the path to the safehouse when Soap coughed the petals out, again.

"You need rest." Price tells his sergeant.

"The team needs you mo'e 'han me. Le's get our asses to the safe house." Soap replied and continued walking with Price.

They both walked and walked, talking about random subjects to entertain and keep the other awake. A few enemy solders were walking around looking for them two but died by Soap and Price's hands.

The sun was rising and they hid away in a abandoned hotel, Soap let Price sleep first as he is the most injured out of the two.

Ghost and Roach searched the places they been in the air and then they landed. They continued to search on foot.

The two found dead solders and a note book at some Café. Ghost recognized it as Soap's.

Near the notebook, there was blood and two empty bottles of water.

"They were here," Roach spoke. "Both alive."

"One dying. There's a lot of almost dried blood." Ghost pointed out. "Let's go. They might have not gone far." They continued to search for them as Nik flew around before going back to base for refill.

Price woke up to Soap coughing again but this time one month was up and to the petals there was blood.

"Soap-" Price put a hand on the other. "I'll take watch. No need to torture you longer." Soap relentlessly agreed and lied down to get some shut eye.

Price got worried for Soap. He knew how long it takes to kill one. He took his gun and watched the door and Soap for anything.

While Kate Laswell got taken to the hospital and into surgery, making Gaz wait for Kate's wife to arrive and for Kate to stay alive after the surgery. He called her wife and gave her the address.

They both stood worried waiting around the waiting room for a few hours before a doctor came in and asked for Laswell's wife. She replied by asking how she is and the man replied.

"I am truly sorry, but your wife is dead." The man gave them an apologetic look. " We tried everything. The trick you did, sergeant worked for a while, of it lasted a bit more, maybe she'd lived."

Laswell's wife hugged Gaz as she cried onto his shoulder.

"I guess I'll call Ghost and tell him." The doctor led them to where Kate's body is and waited outside so the two of them can have a moment.

Ghost sat down to where Soap probably sat at and gets a call. He answers it and puts it at his  ear.

"Ghost speak-" "Laswell's dead." Gaz spoke pushing back tears. "What?"  "She's dead, Simon." Gaz's voice bit more broken and sad. "She- she can't be."  "I'm sorry mate, but it's true." The Ghost hung up the call and looks at Roach.

Roach looks back to Simon with concern. "Laswell's dead..." Simon told him. "She's not- she-" Gary went to hug him as Simon cried, The non-physical Ghost mask broken on the floor with Roach's.

Them both knowing that Price and Soap has no idea of what just happened.


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