hanahaki (1)

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Soap gets the flowers of red and then of blue. He informs Price and tells him to kill him as Soap doesn't want to confess or wait until 4th stage.


Soap wakes up coughing for a while and  it doesn't stop untill it did. He looks at his hand and sees petals.

Scared to have the same as his birth mother he quickly got out of bed and ran to his bathroom. He turns on the lights and looks at the mirror.

His tattoos on his shoulder went up to his neck and sees no blood on his face. He looks at his hand. Red petals of roses.

' Simmy.' he thought. He placed the petals on the sink counter and turned the lights off and went to his desk and grabs his phone.

' Don' make me regret this, Vladimir .' he dialed a number and called it.

" Hello?" Came form the other side as they picked up.

" Dad. What can you tell me of mum before she got cured?" Soap asks his birth parent.

"Which one, Ivanka?" He asks.

"The flower one." He reluctantly told him.

" Why? Do you have a friend who has it or..? " He sounds concerned.

" I have it, dad."   " Oh my. Ivan... There's 5 stages. And since you are serving in the military I strongly suggest you to tell your captain."

" Dad."  " I know. I know. Your mother only told me after 3rd stage. She told me the first stage is when you only cough up the petals which lasts a month before 2nd stage and it's the same but with blood."

" ... And the 3rd?"   "Third is where you couch up blood and closed flower heads, and when the flowers starts to grow in your lungs. I researched for 4th which is opened flower heads and blood while the flowers starts to grow on your skin.

Soap sits on his floor.

"The 5th is when you fall into a coma and die after 2 weeks." Soap's dad tells him. "Go inform your captain, Ivanka. Please?"

"Will do. Talk to ya soon." Soap said wanting to cry.

"Goodbye son. You can cry and then tell him." His dad says. " Hope the person is just like me when she confessed."

They both laugh a little. " Good thing you have added a  bit more detail. Without it I'd be more scared."

"Who knows maybe she or he is just like me and didn't notice it, yet." Soap  could hear the smile. " But at last. I'll talk to you later as I have a meeting soon."

The two of them hung up and Soap stood up. He put on a shirt and shorts, put his phone in his pocket and walked out of his room to go see Price.

He didn't care that it was 3 in the morning, he got Infront of his Captain's quarters and nocks on the door.

Grumbles could be heard as the captain is a light sleeper. The door opens enough to see the man in underwear.

"Soap? What the hell are ya doing here? It's 3 am!"  Price tell him.

"Hav've problem." Soap tell him. "Important." He couldn't say more unless he wants to break down crying.

Price noticed it. " Wait here I'll go out on some clothes on and then we'll go to my office." And closed the door.

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