Hanahaki (2)

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"Aye. Now eat before Roach take's yours. "

To be continued.

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. "Ghost hide you got 7 on you." Soap informed over comms.


Thanks Soap." Ghost replied. "I got an other one for ya."

"Shoot." Soap looks at where Price is. "Cap teach can at your left with two."

"D'you know why Americans are bad at chess?" Ghost spoke over comms.

"Why?"  He looks back at Ghost. " Your clear."

"Because they got no towers."

Gaz and Price chuckles and Soap smiles. "Very funny."

"A little humer hurts no one, Johnny." Soap could hear Ghost's smile

Soap cut his comms off and chough up petals. This time red and blue.  He turned his comms back on.

"Price, red and blue. Behind you."

"... Thanks. Ghost update." Price took down two guards.

"All quiet. Graves's shadows are nowhere to be heard or seen."


"Got two at back gate." Gaz replied. " Though their dead."

"Soap anything from Laswell?" Price got worried.

Soap coughed up more petals before answering " laws hadn't told me anything since the mission started."

Price got way more worried. " Hm. Ghost, Gaz go back to find Laswell and Roach. Soap Move with me."

"Yes captain." Came from the other three.

Ghost and Gaz got to the extraction point for Nick to grab them home.

Ghost and Gaz cut off their comms and went to find Laswell and Roach, hoping their base wasn't attacked.

"Soap. Update?" Price asks concerned.

"Changed rooftops. I can clearly see ya. Bug on left." Soap answered.

"The petals, Soap." Price killed the man.

"... Someone else. There's two of them." Soap sees a man approaching him. "Gotta move again." And so he did. Soap got his stuff and moved a few roofs away, killing a few.

He decided to be more near Money Bags than just stay on the high ground. (No no references!!)

"Dad?" He sees his father behind Price, holding a gun.

Price can hear Soap over comms ,and can see him in the 5th floor of the apartment Infront of him.

Soap calls his dad, the man behind him. He picked up the phone. " Do not kill him." Soap told him.

"Sorry Ivanka, but he's part of the enemy." Price heard over comms and behind him.


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