the Riley's (4)

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" Fake letter frrom your admirral." She smiles. "Plus aksent shange."


- Do you wish to continue?

-Yes? -No?


Soap looks at her with a sunshine grin. "You bloody perfect Woman!" He laughs " no wonder you're my 2nd in command!"  The two laughs as they drive to Scotland.

While Soap went and gathered his crew, the others were on their way to Russia to find Makarov with what little info they got from Laswell's informant.  

They got to the what was suppose to be Makarov's base, it was destroyed what they can see was by bombs. How many they weren't sure but the intel they got was that under all that there's a safe that has everything on Makarov and his plans.

"So do we just start digging or?" Gaz asked unsure.

"Come on, boys. Let's start digging." Price rolled his sleeves up. "This wont to itself."


Soap got his crew back and most were on hacking duty to find the traitor. He's with his 'son', Maha. 

"Hey dad?" Soa just hummed. "Where were you before coming back here to hunt down uncle Damic?"

"Military duty. Why?" Soap walked towards an ice cream truck.

"Just wondering." Maha finally noticed the truck. "Oohh! can I have Vanilla?"

Soap got his kid a vanilla ice cream with sprinkles and got himself a mint one. They walked back home, which served as a base for his team and got his kid to bed a it was 11 pm for them.

"Find anything?" Mark-John, one of the members asked. "Oh hey cap."

"As I said in the last 15 minutes. Not much." Trisha, a proud bar owner, now on her computer told her workmate. "Cap got coffee?"

The captain of the team, Johnny, Got his 2nd in command some coffee and tea for Mark and Mar.


Currently at 2 in the morning in Moscow. The remaining 141 members got little to nothing done as the pace is huge.

"Guys!" Gaz shouted " I found something!"

Ghost and Price ran to him. " Found the safe?" Price spoke for both.

"I think so." Gaz looks at Price. "Help me dig it out."

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