the Riley's (3)

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Roach then placed a kiss on his forehead before sitting down next to the sofa.

- Do you wish to continue?

-Yes? -No?


Simon continued his way to the kitchen to make a cuppa for himself. 

"He doesn't always sleep this well, ya know?" Simon heard and turned around. "He only sleeps this well when he wasn't thinking about the past, or if he told someone his past." Roach looks at the now-not-mask-man.

"What?" Simon asks the man on the floor. 

"They only last for an hour then the dream turns into a nightmare." He stands up. " 2 of the many reoccurring nightmares is  of when the day he lost his teammates to Makarov and a traitor, John Mets." He walks towards Simon. "The other being the day he got home to his soon to be 6 year old sister's death." 

Simon Looks at the bit shorter man, standing in front of him. "Why are you telling me this?"

"... You keep your door open when you complain about him and I see how you look at him." Roach walks back to the sleeping Bar Of Soap on the sofa. "His old captain didn't want to tell him, that they killed your family, his sister and that they burned Soap's original files."

' "Ivan." A voice dipped in cold spoke, scaring Riley and Ensign away. 

Johnny turned around to face the person. His heart now raising.

"Makarov. " Johnny said. "The hell you doing here."

"That's no was of talking to me. You should know that. кукольный (1*)" Makarov said, taking a gun out, Pointing it to the sergeant. "Or should I let the other one do the honours?"          '

Soap sat quickly up. Roach then sat on the sofa " Were okay. He's not here." Soap started crying in Garry's arms.

Simon understood him, now. Either sleep and get a nightmare or don't sleep and be too tired for a mission.

Garry put his arms around the other and caressed his hair. "Tell me something that makes you laugh?" Garry asked calmly. "Or smile?"

"M-Mothe- er's smile. R- Riley's -Fir-First s-steps." Johnny tried to say, his tears stopped running down his face. "Capt's third wedin' an-and meetin y-you."

"Good. Were they fun?" He asks. 

"yeah. "Johnny put his face in Garry's in his chest.

"Want to talk about it later?" he shifts himself more onto the sofa. "Or now?"

"hm. Later."

Simon understood him, but Ghost just left the room without his cuppa and back to his quarters.

Simon tried to sleep again, but Ghost wanted to finish his paperwork, before bed. and so he did.

That Morning Marco fled the 141's base with difficulty as he got captured again by Soap and Roach. When Marco went back into his cell, he now has a broken left arm, a fractured right hand, a black eye and a dislocated knee, all given by Soap.

"Why do you try, Marco?" Price asks the German man.

Marco looking at Price with his uninjured eye. " I THOUGHT THAT WOULD WORK !" I Didn't Though That That Man Would Do This!" Soap appears behind Price. Marco screamed."Er ist ein Dämon! Der Böse!" ( 2*)

Laswell took Price and Soap out of the room to talk to them.

"Price, Gaz needs you." She then turns to Soap. " Lady Kei will put your head on a stick if you don't comply." Soap just looks at Kate. " She has told  me to give you a file. And said that you know what to do." Her eyes soften. " Please be careful and control that anger."

Soap nods and takes the file given to Kate. He leaves the lot alone and goes to his room to read it  and prepared for the mission given by the admiral.

Ghost went on and followed the man.

Soap left the door bit open and sat at his desk and opened the file.

' File 242 #20 -- Sargent John "Damic" Mets. AWOL

Wanted - alive.

Age - 30

Origin - Russia

Last mission - hunt for Makarov with taskforce 242.

Last known location - London, UK.

Person assigned for the hunt for John Mets - John " Soap" MacTavish.   '

Soap closed the file and took his phone. He calls up someone.

A person picks up. " Hello?"

"Hey, Trish? " He says. "Cap?"   " Yep. Got the task."  "No shit?"   Soap smiles. "No shit. Get the others. We got a bastard to catch."  "Yes sir! Damm. I missed ya!" Soap stands up. " Missed ya too. Call later I'll text ya the rest."  " Bye cap. See ya !"  " See ya."  And hung up.

Ghost nocks on the door. " Come in." And went in.

"Who were you talkin' to? Where, why and when?" Ghost asked as if he's talking to the enemy.

"Trisha. None of yer busness. Got a job. Today." He replied. "Could ya inform Price and Gaz ?"

Ghost looks at him for a while before leaving in silence.

Soap got a bag and stuffed a few of his clothes 3 guns, 4 knives, shotgun and his comms. He put the bag on his bed and took out his old uniform to change in.

Once done he left his room, grabbing his bag and comms, went to the transport field to go to Scotland to meet up with his team.

At the transport field, Price stood with a 'civilian' Infront of a land transport.

"Ma'am I cant let you go any further." Price tells the woman.

" And I keep saying I'm just waiting for Ivan. Not going inside your base Captain." She tells him.

"Ma'am. No one here has that name-" " Trisha ! What the hell you doing here?" Soap cut Price off as he ran towards them.

The red hair woman, Trisha looks at Soap. " Ivan! You haven't told them anything at all?"

" Was about to do that today bit mission first then the rest." He said, then turns to face Price." Cap I'll go to a duo alone so don't worry. "

"In that uniform?" He asks. Soap nods. He sighs. " When will you be back?"

" Hopefully next week but I'll might be next month." Trisha took Soap's bag and put in the car she drove in with. " And yes birth name is Ivan." And got into the car with Trisha.

Price sighed again. " Don't die, Soap." And walked back to the building as the two drove off.

"How'd you got pass secrtu?" Soap asks his mate.

" Fake letter frrom your admirral." She smiles. "Plus aksent shange."


- Do you wish to continue?

-Yes? -No?

1*- puppet ----- Russian
2* - He's a demon! The bad guy! -------- German

- Kriss

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