all the John's (2)

3 0 0

John 1- Price

John 2- "Soap" MacTavish

John 3-"Damic" Mets

John 4-"Wendigo" Deimon

John 5- Mark-John "death" Smith


Kriss came back and got them all to be at base 141.

"Price! Johnny!" Ghost ran towards them." Your baaa- Who the fuck is that!?"


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"These are -" "KRISS! I got a- Two things" An admiral barged in. "One. WHEN DID I SAY YOU COULD MAKE THEM MEET UP!? And two. I got a mission for ya MacTavish." An drags a Johnny out the room.

Every one sees how a person shorter than Soap drags the man by his ear out the door the Admiral came from.

"Who?" Gaz started, "who was she?"

"That's my wife, Ocean Grain." Kriss spoke. "They're also The Admiral, of the 242, the taskforce I'm captain of."

"Oh-" "Anyways- while they do whatever it is, you lot are going back into the purple room with 141 back in Old Tallinn." Kriss cut Price off. " See ya in 24 hours." And used author's magic to get them there, again. (EY! Only I can do that Kriss!(-even thought your me-))

The 7 of them got to the room of purple, John3 went to hit his head on the nearest wall. The others, not that concerned, looked around the room not finding a window to jump out of, but they did found a wooden unlocked door. Ghost went to check the door, it leading to the bathroom. John4 went to the sofa and sat down with John5.

John3 after banging his head repeatatly on the wall sat down, leaning against it.

"Why do we have name tags?" John1 asks, looking at his name tag that held 'John 1'.

Ghost looks at his. 'G-1', Gaz noticing his, 'G-2'. The other Johns had theirs the same as Price but with 3, 4 or 5 written on them.


Then suddenly- a wild terrorist office worker appeared! Oh no! G-1, G-2 and the Johns (1,-5) are all angry! 

"Uhhhhh- Fuck." was all that was herd by the terrorist before getting violently beaten up by John#3, who leaped onto him.

The others surprised at that, did nothing to help Makarov, while the man is bleeding from the punches and scratches, still screaming.

After what felt like an hour (in reality was only 2 hours) John#3 got off of the man and went to the bathroom to clean himself up. Makarov, on the ground unconscious unaware of the men inside of the same room as him, smiling and being glad of his injury.

John#1, who wouldn't smile at violence, smiles a wide grin. G-1, glad of M#1's doom, G-2 smiling with pride. And the other two Johns staring at them, not believing that the man they're trying to find for years, had just beaten up the other man they were trying to find.

"Why are you three happy?" John#4 asks.

"Because he took Roach from us a while back." G-1 replied.

"And tried to kill us on multiple occasions." G-2 told them. John#1 nods.

"Bastard was hard to find when we tried and took solders from us, betrayal style!" John#5 complained. "How the fuck are you lot still alive!?"

"Eh. It's easy to deal with him." G-1 replied," less easier than Sheppard, but easy."

John#3 came out of the room now less covered in blood, casually and got to the bookshelf, wanting a dictionary.

"What are you doing, Damic?" John#5 ask in worry.

"Gonna hit Makarov with a dictionary." He smiles, "hard cover and quite thick effective book. Done this loads of time."

Makarov finally woke up and sees Damic, again.

"Nope! Not gonna live. Where's my gun?" He said searching through his pockets.

"You have a gun?" John#5 questions, "do you even know how to hold it?" The others laughs.

"... Imma unalive myself when I find it." Makarov checks his jacket. " ... I don't have it."

"Welp guess you're stuck here with us." Gaz sat on the table, concluded.


Then suddenly again a wild Alejandro appeared!

"Wha-?" Alejandro looks around, "Nope." and disappears, leaving a confused group.


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-Kriss/Keisha Sleep

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