the Riley's (2)

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"Alright. Soap, your with me we'll take main road. Gaz, Ghost take the other one. Got it?" the captain looks at them. "Comms open."

The three of them nodded.

- Do you wish to continue?

-Yes? -No?


Soap followed Price in and murdered the non-civilians inside While Ghost and Gaz sneaked to the control room upstairs, to unlock most doors for Price and Soap.

They got to the room. Soap and Price found the Boss, Shepperd wanted alive and quarantined. 

"Ah! Velcome meine Freunde. Vat a pleasant suprize! ," The German boss said. "Guns down. Ve Von't vant to blow up this room."

" The room has containers of radiation." Gaz Said over personal comms.

"Ich feel Like I should know you." The man looks at Soap. "Vat is dein name?"

"Shut up German man. We ask the questions, You need to sit down," Price Said.

"Price. He got a full file on 242 and Shepperd." Ghost informed.

Price looks Back at Marco. "What else do you know About 242 and the general?" Price asks.

"The American is a traitor and one of them had come back for revenge." Marco pointed at Soap. "Shepperd wants your team on the loos ends of his plans." Marco's Men left the room to Gaz and Ghost.

They Died.

"Capt'n you should Leave the room..." Soap said.

"As long as you get the info and he stays alive." 

"Sure. Why not" Soap looks at Marco. "I can work with that."

Price left the room to go to Gaz and Ghost While Soap's comms went dark.

"Seems I Vas right-" "Shut up." MacTavish interrupted him by Taking his gun out. "You will tell me Why. Or your girl goes 6 feet under." He threatened, and put his gun at Marco's neck.

"On Vat? Your Crew? or the Riles?"  Marco Smiles.

"Both." He puts his gun on the nearest canister of radiation.

The three of them saw the anger in Soap's eyes through the screens. Gaz feeling fear. "I don't think he's in his right mind," Gaz said. 

"ha. Haha hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!" Marco's Laughter got  cut by Mactavish's fist in Marco's face.

He tried to look back at the other but an other hit his stomach, then his face again.

Marco, now on the floor looks up as MacTavish grabs his collar.

"Tell me or Your wife and son gets it." Marco now can clearly see the anger in the others eyes  on the emotionless face.

"Shepperd had paid us to end you and your teams." Marco now scared to death, "The young Riley MacTavish was just in our way and my- my commander w- wanted her dead."

"Now you tell me 'bout Shepperd . His motives, plans and how mush he paid you."

Marco told hm everything he knew. Price, Ghost and Gaz got the wo of them out of the room and they all flew back to base. MacTavish not looking away from Marco.

"Y-You know the Young Riley?" Marco breaks the uncomfortable silence.

"She's my sister ya bastard." MacTavish spoke, voice laced with anger.

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