Follow the stars (2)

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Price sat at a table in the assigned room. He looks at his lieutenant, Ghost. "Ghost go grab Soap for me, " price asks his Lt.

Ghost got to the training area, where he knew Soap would be at and was right. He's surprised to see Roach sparred with Soap, who doesn't have a shirt on so you can see his scars and tattoos littered over his top half.

Ghost then watched and waited till the two of them finished.

"So we both like the same man and each other. You since before the drop and I only realizing now?"  Roach concluded. Ghost could hear them, clearly.

"Yes and the man confessed to me whilst  you were not introduced yet" Johnny kicked Roach who blocked it and sent a punch. "Plus you were engaged to him before the drop." BOS (Bar Of Soap) dodged it and caught the fist with his left, put his right arm under Roach's armpit and over the shoulder to the floor Roach went.

"For Capt'n Death. You still got it?" Roach asks.

"Yeah, with the big guy. And dealing with Gavés and Makaroff." Soap helped Roach get up from the ground. "How long were we in the military again?"

"Uh I'm 27 right now and joined at 18 so.... About 9 years?"

Soap took his shirt from the floor. "Heh. 9 years. Last time was 23 years."

"Yep" Roach placed a kiss on Soap's cheek and the man returned it. "let's find the other one eh?"

"Yeah." Soap turns around to face the exit. "oh Lt. Hey, how long were you there?"

"Just arrived. Price wants to see you." Ghost said. Roach notices Ghost's body language and by Soap's looks so did he.

The three of them went Infront of the room then Roach left to his quarters and the two entered.
"Ya wanted me Capt'n?"

"Yes I did. Sit down Soap." Price said "Plus. What took you so long?"

"I was sparring with Roach." The man answered.

"Hmm. Anyway, you and Roach seem close. How close are you two?" Ghost left the room as Price looks at Soap." And I got great news for ya."

"We're together. Gay and Bi." Soap's face turns bit red as he looks away.

"Heh. I knew it. Laswell owes me 20." Price pats Soap's shoulder. "I'm fine with it as long as you can concentrate during missions."

Soap looks back at Price. "You said there's good news?" He crossed his arms." Thanks" He muttered.

"Yes! Here ." He grabbed a paper and gave it to Soap. " You're getting a promotion from the adrmal. Congrats!" He smiles at Soap.

"..." Shocked, Soap took the paper. " Could I think about it then react?" He looks up from the paper at Price, still shocked.

"Sure. I'll need an answer by Monday then Admiral Ocean Kei can arrive here and promote you." (Yes adr. Ocean Kei) Price pats Soap's shoulder again before grabbing his cup of tea he has on the table.

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