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Continued from the last chapter

"You are?" she asked, her eyes widening in disbelief, while her mouth hung open in astonishment, awaiting my response.

"Yeah," I responded, sliding down onto the wall and settling on the floor, a moment of weariness evident in my posture.

"Yuh did a have sex, bro?" she asked, raising a brow, curiosity in her eyes.

I smiled at her reaction.

A subtle nod was my response, acknowledging her question without the need for words.

Like bout five times and me ketch belly.

Weh me baby daddy deh? Six feet under.

Shake me head.

She took a seat beside me, placing a comforting hand over my shoulder as a silent gesture of support.

"Wah you a go do?" she inquired, looking at me with concern, awaiting my decision or plan of action.

I hated that question. Cause wah yuh mean wah me ago do?

The way how me coulda angle Ashley about nyamming hers, me coulda really go do the same?


The way how me love laugh after people and chat people...I would be a hypocrite.

And me fraid a god!

"I'm keeping it," I affirmed to her, a sense of determination in my voice as I shared my decision.

"Good," she grinned, expressing approval and solidarity with my choice.

A chuckle escaped me in response to her reaction.

"Danay know?" she asked, seeking information about whether Danay was aware of the situation.

I shook my head, signaling to her that Danay was not aware of the situation.

"Two a unuh pregnant the same time. Friendship goals," she laughed. "Woulda join unuh but homeboy responsible m'love."

Laughter echoed between us, as we found humor in the unexpected twists of life.

"Me nuh have no baby daddy," I sighed. "Me affi do this by myself."

"You have us. All a we," she reassured, offering support and solidarity in facing the journey ahead.

The thing was that, wah me ago tell my child say happen to his or her daddy.

"I don't want to stay in this environment," I said to her, tears brimming my eyes. "Everything reminds me of him."

Her hug tightened around me, a silent embrace offering comfort and understanding.

"Yuh waah move?" she asked, inquiring about my desire to relocate, her concern evident in the question.

"Yeah," I sniffled, confirming the desire for a change as emotions lingered in the air.

"Tell yuh brother," she suggested. "Him ago understand."

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