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Weeks past. I texted Grayson a lot. I had plenty of sleepovers with Lex, taty, Aria, and krystal. We all became the best of friends.

My new best friends taught me that change can be amazing. I mean looked what happened. After being with my mom and homeschooled my whole life, having no friends, and never going out look where I am now.

I have plenty of friends, I'm enjoying my high school experience, and I'm talking to a guy! How could things go wrong?

One day at lunch we all sat together. Lex sat with her new boyfriend, Ethan. Grayson sat with me, taty with gabe, and aria and krystal with their new boyfriends.

It seems they all tied the knot with guys except for me and Grayson.

After lunch that day I walked to my locker.( I finally knew where it was)
I was getting my books for my class. I was looking at the picture in my locker Of all my friends when we went out last week. Then someone came up and closed my locker. While I was looking in it!

So you think you can just steal Grayson from me? Well newsflash sweetie we are together still.
Umm excuse me? I asked confused.
I'm Graysons girlfriend. You're not.
I'm sorry I don't even know who you are. I chirped in
In Jessica. The girl from subway. A cheerleader who Is dating a football player #47 who is Grayson. Its better to keep it that way. Even if he wanted to break up he wouldn't date someone from the art department. She put emphasis on art department. Stick with the status quote. Cheerleaders date football players and art geeks date nerds.

With that she walked away. Jessica? She made no sense to me whar so ever.

Did Grayson have a girlfriend? Is that why he wont ask me out already?

After school when I got home I did my homework. I thought about what Jessica Said to me all day.

I text Grayson about it but he never replied back. I texted Lex but she knew nothing about it.


The next day at school was probably one of the worst days of my life.

When I got there people were laughing at me. I don't know why.
Did I have toliet paper on my shoe? Or a sticky note saying kick me?

I went to the bathroom to check. Nothing.

I walked to my locker. When I saw my locker my jaw dropped.

There was a photoshopped picture of me on my locker!

I pulled the paper off and read it.

"Elizabeth the slut! " it read
"Better watch your man's lady's cause this Bi*** don't care if he is taken or not! After all she did to her moms boyfriend. Reason she moved here! Who knows what she did to her homeschool teacher!"

The picture was with a super model wearing a small bikini and my head on it.

I crumbled the paper. I opened my locker.

Hundreds of them fell out my locker.

Grayson came walking down the hall.

Hey beth!

I ran crying.

Beth! Come back!

He picked up a flyer looked at it and crumbled it. He looked in my locker.

There was a one mega sized in my locker. But with Grayson in it.

Grayson grabbed it out my locker and shredded it to peices.

He slams my locker door shut frustratedly.

The dolan Twinsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें