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My vision became clear. I saw everyone.

I rubbed my eyes.

Everyone smiled. I smiled but I blacked out.

What was happening? Why was I constantly blacking out? How long has it been happening? How long have I been doing this?

I woke up one day. I looked at the clock when I regained my vision.


I looked at the calendar. October 26th.

Our date was September 25th!

A month! A freaking month! I've been out for a month!! How? !?!? A slight coma?!?

I pressed the button for a nurse. I didn't think one would come in.

A short women came in. Surprised.

What day is it? October 26th she replied stunned. Was I in a coma?
You were in a slight one. How long ago has it been since the last time I woke up? 2 weeks.
I put my hands in my head. I got up and shoke my head in disbelief.

Would you like me to call your parents? No not yet. I want to see if I stay awake. In the morning. Please.
Okay sweetie. Then im going to have to check your blood now. Okay.

She took my blood. And 15mins later she came back.

Well your blood is okay, but I'm going to need you to eat something and drink some water. Okay well I am kinda feeling hungry.

She laughed. Well you have been sleeping for a month. Before I bring you something let me give you a little checkup.

She checked my weight, height, and heart.

I was 121.5 lbs I was 154 lbs. 31 lbs. That's underweight for a 5'5 person.

Wow you lost a lot of weight that's not normal. You need to gain some weight back. At least 16-20 lbs.

It was 3:37 am. I was still hungry. She forgpt about my food. So I walked to the food court.

Ever realize how important a hospital is?

As I walked to the food court I saw so many people get carried in. One after another. Nurses rushed by with gurneys. Doctors everywhere.

As I walked to the food court the nurse that gave me a check up ran to me.
Elizabeth! Sweetie you need this. She handed me a paper that told the cafeteriaworker what to give me.
Thank you.

She headed back.

I walked to the counter I handed the lady the paper.

She gave me a banana nut muffin, a cookie, juice, water, and chicken noodle soup. Thats a weird combination. I sat at a table. Put I then got bored of the quietness and walked with the food to my room.

I ate my food and watched tv. It was already almost 4:30am. I finished eating.

I stayed up and watch tv. I took a shower also. Aroud 7ish the nurse came in to check on me.

She said she needed to call my parents but I asked her If I could.

"Hello? Hey mom. Beth is that you? Yes. Youre awake?! Yes since 3 this morning. Tim! Elizabeth is up! She has been since 3am!!!! Okay sweetie we are coming we will be there soon! I love you! I love you too mom."

I then called Grayson. He was surprised hearing my voice. He came immedetly.

He got there before my mom and Tim.
I saw him in running in the hallway. I opened the door and stood there. I looked at him and smiled.

The dolan TwinsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin