Airplane rides and night talks

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Friday after school I went home and got all my stuff. I said my goodbyes to my mom and Tim. I wouldn't be back till next Sunday.

My mom dropped me off at Grayson's. She gave me one last hug. Stay safe okay beth? I will mom. Love you. I love you too sweetie. Call me when you land. I will!

I knocked on the door and Cameron let me in. I went upstairs to Grayson's room.

Hey Beth. Hey Gray. You ready? Yes I am. OK well we leave in an hour.

While watching TV. Grayson asked, have you ever rode on a plane?
Yes I have just I haven't in years. Last time I rode one was when I was 8.
So in 7years. Yea. So its been awhile. Yes it has.

An hour later we left to the airport. After we went through security we sat and waited for our departure.

We boarded the plane at 5:14pm.
We sat towards the middle.

We departed at 5:30 sharp. I sat in the middle. Grayson was by the window and Ethan was in the isle.

On the runway I got nauseous. The plane went in the air. I felt dizzy. My eyes were closed the whole time. My hands were gripping the seat rest. When we got higher and higher my grip became tighter and tighter

We ascecended 10,000 ft. I was still gripping the arm rest. My stomach was turning. Eyes still closed.

Grayson scared me when grabbing my hand. Hey you're okay. I opened my eyes and looked at him.

Do you want the window seat? Its a better place to sit. I nodded. We got up and switched spots.

When the air attendents came around with snacks I drank sprite to calm my stomach.

The plane ride was 5hrs long. After 3hrs air attendants came with sandwiches. I drank some more sprite and ate my sandwich. I knocked out afterwards.

I set my head on Grayson. I fell quickly to sleep.

Grayson woke me up when the plane was going to land. Get ready for some turbulence. While descending the turbulence wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be.

We got off the plane. We walked through the airport. After baggage claim. Ethan and Grayson were surrounded by about 30 girls.

They took pictures with them While we waited for Logan and Jake Paul to come. I also took pictures with some girls.what's it like being his girlfriend?! What's it like kissing him?! I sat there and talked to the girls about Grayson. They were actual nice.

Ethan then chirped in oh my god girl like our ride is totally here to pick us up. So like we gotta get going. He said "like" a girl.

We got in the car. Jake drove to a hotel. It was nice! We stayed in a suite. We all picked our beds.

We all ordered in and out burger. The boys stood up making vines. Around 10 I fell asleep with Grayson on the bed. My head on his chest.

Around 3:30am I woke up with a startle. I had a bad dream. I don't remember what I was dreaming of though.

Grayson was shaking me.
Beth? Are you okay? Yea I am. What happen? You were yelling "No. No. Stay away from him!Stop!" Real loud.
What were you dreaming of? I dont know...

I snuggled up to Grayson and fell back to sleep.

While sleeping Grayson was still up. He was on Twitter but he stopped looking at his phone and shined his screen on me.

I was talking in Spanish. Grayson recorded me.

El amor Grayson. Pare Aaron. No me toque. déjame tranquilo. Tu eres quapo pero no gustas. Pare aaron! Pinche cobrona! No me toque! No!

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