New family but happy ending?

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February 9th.

Its my moms big day. We woke up at 9 that morning. Tim and his groomsmen stayed in a hotel to get ready.

We all took showers and got ready. We did our hair and makeup.

I went to my moms room and I helped her get ready.

You look beautiful beth. No mom you do.

We looked at ourselves in the mirror.and smiled. By the end of today I will have new family. A new dad. A step dad.


We drove to the church. The ceremony began. The whole time I stood up there I looked for Grayson. I didn't see him any where.

The ceremony ended. I had a step dad now.

I still looked for grayson. No where to be found. When I finally was free for a minute after taking pictures I texted him.


Everyone went to the venue down the street. We started the party.

Hours past. I danced a lot with Lex and Taty. And we took a lot of pictures in the photo booth.

I thought about Grayson all day. I texted a couple times and called a few times. I didn't want to basically stalk him and text him every minute and be obsessed.

The party went on till 11pm. Then we cleaned up.

Tim pulled up the car right in front since it was raining. It was pouring..

I took Lex and Taty home. Then drove to my house. My mom and Tim packed. They were going to Florida for a week. I couldn't go because of "school" and because it was their honeymoon. They left to stay at a hotel that night. I said my goodbye.

I was home alone. For the next week.

I slept in the living room.

I called Grayson one last time before I went to bed.

It rang......

Nothing. What was going on?
I called Ethan..... Same thing.

I called Lisa. Their mom.

Hello? I asked hoping she knew.
Hello? Is this Elizabeth? yes. Mrs. Lisa? Yes how was the wedding? It was good. Thanks for asking. No problem sweetie how was Grayson? I know he was pumped to see you in your bridesmaid dress tonight. And was very excited for tonight. Umm actually that's why I was calling. What? She asked confusingly. Grayson wasn't there. And I couldn't get a hold of him. Or Ethan.

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