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I went to sleep early that night. I honestly thought that little fight I had with Grayson was stupid. And I didn't want to stress myself out over it.

The next morning I woke up and took a shower. I put on my crop top digifest shirt that I got made that had all the boys names on it.I also put high waisted shorts on. Digi fest started at 11am. It was 9:07am right now.

I didn't want to go when the boys left. And Grayson could see me so I waited till 11:30 and I left. As much as I wanted to avoid Grayson and Aaron I still wanted to support them.

I spent all day with screaming girls. I made some friends too. But then someone realized I was Grayson's girl friend and during a small intermission I took pictures with a lot of people.

Daniel Skye came out and started singing. I sang along. For my first digifest I had fun. When it was over I went to Starbucks with some of the girls I met. I hung out with them all day.

Time flew. It was already 9:38pm. My new friends and I went glow in the dark mini golfing. We stayed out all night.

Around 1 we went to my hotel room. We basically turned up. We pulled an all nighter. At 6 am we went to the beach. We sat in the sand and watched the sun rise. After the sun came up. Brittney and Kayla went home. I went to my hotel room and went to sleep.

I actually got my mind off of the Grayson and Aaron thing.

The dolan TwinsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora