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Grayson and Tim looked at me with stars in the eyes stunned.

Wow Beth. Uhh you look amazing said Grayson
I smiled. Thanks.
You look great. You're really growing into a mature adult. Into a women.Tim said. He hugged me.
You look beautiful sweetie.
Thanks mom. I gave her a hug too.

We started out the door. Be careful!
They yelled as we got to the car.

Grayson opened the door for me.

Why thank you. I said with a big smile.

He got in the car and we drove off.

Soo where are we going???
You'll see.

He had one hand on the steering wheel and his other, intertwined with mine.

We drove for about 20mins.


We arrived outside a restaurant.

Amigos. I said.

Yea. I figured. You liked dancing. When we danced and talked all night at the homecoming dance. That's when I first started to like you.

I smiled. He grabbed my hand and we walked in. We sat at a table and ordered.

We ate some chips and salsa. And ordered.

We sat there and talked about random things.

Which was a common thing for us. That I loved. We talked about life and goals.

Dancing music came on.

Grayson looked at me. He held his hand out like he did at the homecoming dance.

May I have this dance?

I took his hand and we walked to the dance floor. There was no one on the floor. Just us.

We danced. Then the salsa came on. We danced it. When we finished, people cheered us on and clapped. We bowed and went to our table where our food sat, steaming.

We ate our food. Which was so delicious. Then we ordered a brownie with whipped cream and chocolate syrup drizzled on it.

I took a spoonful and fed Grayson some. He did the same. We laughed.

The night was winding down. Grayson and I headed home.

We got 10mins away from home.

We stopped at a red light. When it turned green we drove off.

I heard beeping.

And CRASH a truck went into my side of the car.

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