scared to death.

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I put the bat down I quickly grabbed my phone. The man was still wincing in pain.

Who are you?!?! What do you want?!?! He moaned. Tell me!! Before I call the police!!! I dialed 9-1-1. I was about to press call.

No! Its me! He moaned. Its just me. He got on his knees hands on the ground.

Then I saw it. Roses. He lifted his head to me.

Are you crazy?!?!! Are you trying to scare the living life out of me?!?!? Aaron Braden Carpenter?! What are you doing at my house at 3am?!?! Why?!? And with roses?!?

I put my bat down and helped him up. I walked him to the couch.

Look I'm sorry I hit you in the gut with a bat. But you scared me. You could've been a rapist or killer for all I knew.

He chuckled. Ohh that hurts to laugh. I'm pretty sure you bruised me. He said. I'm sorry. Nah its fine I understand where it came from. Its just I'm getting Grayson for this.
Speaking of Grayson......he sent me because he knew you'd prolly go off on him but not me so much. Those roses on the ground are from him. He said he's super sorry he didn't come. He was working on something else all day That he forgot about the wedding today. He went non stop doing this for you. For both of you. And he wants you to come with me. So I can take you to him. And your surprise. So go get clothes and we are driving somewhere.

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