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After breakfast we went to where they had digi fest at. Inside were lots of girls. We spent most of our day there.

When we got back to the hotel they didn't feel like hanging out in the room so we all went to the gym.

I put on my black Nike pros and a bright pink Nike sports bra on. I set my hair in a ponytail with a headband keeping my hair back.

When I went downstairs and joined the others I saw them looking at me.

I looked at Grayson why are you guys staring at me? I asked but then they all turned their heads. I laughed

Because of you. Your body.I blushed hard. Is it to repealing? I asked.

No, its perfect. I looked at Grayson,his eyes were filled of lust.

Hey why don't we have a competition. I asked.

What kind of competition? Asked Jake.

Well we can do sit ups, push ups, jumping jacks, pull ups. And who ever gets the most wins. I said

How bout we make it interesting too? Chirped in Ethan.

How so?

Well we get a point for each thing we do. So if I do 50 push ups I get 50pts. If you do 26 you get 26pts. And who ever has the least amount of points has to treat everyone to smoothies or something. Ethan explained.

They all murmured in agreement.

Then let's get to it. We'll break up into groups of two and we'll each tally how many times our partners can do it. So pick a partner and do crunches, sit ups, pushups, pull ups, and jumping jacks, I said as I picked my partner.

No you can't get Grayson. You'll cheat. He'll add more for you. Said Aaron.

Fine then Jack you're my partner.

Okay! Jack said what shall we start with?We'll start with crunches. I said.

We went through all the sets.

Beth- pushups(37)crunches (134)sit-ups (176)pull ups(29)jumping jacks(201)

Jack D-pushups(77)crunches(135)sit-ups (167)pull ups(87) jumping jacks(207)

Grayson- -pushups(111)crunches(156)sit-ups (187)pull ups(85) jumping jacks(204)

Ethan- -pushups(116)crunches(160)sit-ups (102)pull ups(69) jumping jacks(205)

Aaron- -pushups(44)crunches(109)sit-ups (177)pull ups(31) jumping jacks(179)

Tez- -pushups(77)crunches(135)sit-ups (80)pull ups(40) jumping jacks(209)

Jake- -pushups(89)crunches(105)sit-ups (117)pull ups(51) jumping jacks(206)

Logan- -pushups(85)crunches(117)sit-ups (243)pull ups(101) jumping jacks(211)

Nash - -pushups(79)crunches(112)sit-ups (165)pull ups(54) jumping jacks(200)

Cam- -pushups(99)crunches(139)sit-ups (165)pull ups(31) jumping jacks(201)

Sam- -pushups(76)crunches(134)sit-ups (132)pull ups(44) jumping jacks(189)

Dylan- -pushups(71)crunches(178)sit-ups (117)pull ups(66) jumping jacks(197)

Dylan- 629

Okay. I said out of breathe. I read the scores. So its a close call one point Aaron you're buying. You had 540 Tez had 541.

Everyone but Aaron cheered glad that they didn't have to buy. Aaron looked at the scores.

Man. Okay I guess I'll get everyone some froyo... He said.

Grayson tried to hug me on the way back to the room. Uh huh you're sweaty. And you smell don't hug me.

But all the boys heard and they all hugged me. All you guys need a shower... We all laughed. We all took a shower one by one. I still had the key to the room upstairs so I took one in there. When I finished and got dressed I went back down to the room.
Grayson was in the shower and logan was in the other one.

I went to jacks room. All of them were done except Aaron. They all sat on the terrace.

Walking out I turned and bumped into Aaron.

Man you sure are clumsy. He said. I-im sorry.

I looked at him he was shirtless. He only wore boxers. I got up quickly. But was yanked back down because he was laying on my hair.

Owhh I said. Sorry. He pulled my hair out from him but his braclet got stuck in my hair.

Jack came in what's going on here?

I fell into him. And we fell onto of one another then I got up and fell on him again and he was sitting on my hair thaen his bracelet got stuck in my hair. Jack looked at Aaron. And quickly and carefully helped me. Aaron got up and took a shower.

But before he closed the door he looked at me and winked.

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